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DDD Alternative that also Draws Pretty Pictures of Data Structures

Is there anything other than DDD that will draw diagrams of my data structures like DDD does that runs on Linux?

ddd is okay and runs, just kind of has an old klunky feeling to it, just wanted to explore alternatives if there are any.

The top part with the grid of this image is what I am talking about: enter image description here


Don t you mind to look here (list of GDB front-ends)? I suggest this list should be useful.

I ve used zero bugs a few times. It can do custom visualization. I don t know if allows the users to effect the gui elements or just how it displays in the text listings. Check it out, www.zero-bugs.com.

For those that wanted an answer; you are looking for KDBG.

enter image description here

ZeroBugs data visualizations can be customized via Python scripts. The debugger is now available as open source (and free as in free beer, it can be used for commercial purposes). Check it out at http://zerobugs.codeplex.com/

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