English 中文(简体)
• 如何用多倍的口号来形容?
原标题:How to brute force a password that has been hashed multiple times?

我昨天询问了有关安全洗衣的问题,我想到的是,如何实际打破用习惯洗衣算法产生的密码。 我的当前(非常不可靠的)密码使用密码上的沙1,然后用3位数的盐子对口 has的 it。

$hash = sha1($pass1);

//creates a 3 character sequence
function createSalt()
    $string = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
    return substr($string, 0, 3);

$salt = createSalt();

$hash = sha1($salt . $hash);

现在,我作为该服务器的管理人,完全能够查阅源码和密码表,加上行政工具,可以简单地重新撰写用户密码,以达到我所希望的用途,但为了更好地理解安全,我很想知道,如何以黑客的意志来这样做。 我有一个叫做卡林和安普的节目;一个叫,器,用的是特定的洗 has算法,但我怎么做一些事情,如用每条平时的口号,打上这种口号,把它推到已知的盐类,并把它再打碎? 这似乎很简单,但我从未用像C++和我假定必要的语言来安排。








$hash = sha1(  password  );
$salt =  3Sf ;
$hash = sha1( $salt.$hash);


$hash = sha1(  password  );
$salt =  3Sf ;
for($i; $i<1000; $i++){
    $hash = sha1( $salt.$hash);





However, as you said, it would be extremely simple to write a program to crack the hashes given enough time.

如果你的攻击者已经知道你计算盐 has的方法,我们就能够安全地假定他要么可以接触你的行文(这必然会储存盐),要么丢弃,要么可以接触到贵方和客户之间的便衣通信。

To then crack the hashes, he would simply replicate your sha1($salt . $hash) function and start feeding common passwords to it. This would save time compared to purely brute forcing all possible combinations. He d take the $salt from you DB and compare the result of the hashed-salted-hashed password to the salted hash stored in the same DB. If the resulting hashes match, the password has been "cracked".

In general, using individual salts for each user is a good idea as it increases the time to crack an entire DB table of passwords exponentially. Instead of running a wordlist against a single hashing function with a single salt, he ll have to run the entire wordlist against every single hashed PW in your database.

That said, if the attacker is far enough into your system to actually acquire the hashes / salts it would be much easier for him to alter your code to send him plain text copies of credentials of users logging in in the first place.


问题过于简单。 有许多事情需要考虑,太多的人要打一个职位,但这里只有少数。 (1) 黑客是否有密码储存? 如果是的话,由于没有其他教唆者阻止攻击行动,那么强力袭击就会更加成功。 2) cker客是否能够渗透到你的系统,并暴露出你的盐类/shing系统? 这将使部队攻击更容易发生,特别是当1起发生时。 3) 如果1和2是假的,是否建立了缓解系统,以防止/制止一场 force强的武力攻击,例如,在一行中出现一些错误的口号之后,设置一个账户。

从总体上看,营养化,特别是营养化,在维持良好/有保障的系统上,比贫化力量更可能取得成功,尽管贫穷的力量也是实现监督事务司的一大途径。 对这一问题有整体的纪律,而禁忌更需要考虑。

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