English 中文(简体)
WOL 来自广域网外
原标题:WOL from outside WAN

A while ago, I wrote [with some help from Google] a small WOL script to switch on the computers in my network. Here is the script:

exec /usr/bin/python -x "$0" "$@"
node_lst = [
         srv1 0a:1b:8c:0d:2e:7f ,
         srv2 0A-0B-4C-8D-CE:3F ,
import os,sys,string,commands
import struct, socket
import re,random

retval = 0

mac_addr = "mac_addr.txt"
X =  ([a-zA-Z0-9]{2}[:|-|.]?){5}[a-zA-Z0-9]{2} 
S = re.compile(r s+ )

mmap = {}

## First argument  None  in str.translate is new in 2.6. 
## Previously, it was a string of 256 characters 
if sys.version_info < (2, 6):
    f1_arg =   .join(chr(i) for i in xrange(256))
    f1_arg = None

## broadcast address
sysOS = "uname -s"
BSD = "ifconfig | grep -w broadcast | cut -d  -f 6"
LNX = "ip -o addr show | grep -w inet | grep -e eth | cut -d  -f 9"
if commands.getoutput(sysOS) == "Linux":
    bCast = commands.getoutput(LNX)
elif commands.getoutput(sysOS) == "Darwin":
    bCast = commands.getoutput(BSD)
    print "System not supported!!"

def WakeOnLan(mac_address):

    ## Building the Wake-On-LAN "Magic Packet"...
    ## Pad the synchronization stream.
    data =   .join([ FFFFFFFFFFFF , mac_address * 20])
    msg =   

    ## Split up the hex values and pack.
    for i in range(0, len(data), 2):
        msg =   .join([msg, struct.pack( B , int(data[i: i + 2], 16))])

    ## ...and send it to the broadcast address using UDP
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1)
    s.sendto(msg, (bCast, 9))

def sys_exit():

## check if hostname is provided
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print "Usage: %s <hostname>" % sys.argv[0]

for i in node_lst:
    # strip off everything from first "#" [if] found
    i = i.split( # ,1)[0]
    if not re.search(X, i):

    h = S.split(i,1)[0]                 ## host name
    m = S.split(i,1)[-1]                ## MAC address
    mmap[h] = m.strip( 	|" " )

for j, k in mmap.iteritems():
    if sys.argv[1] == j:
        if not re.search(X.replace( zA-Z , fA-F ), k):
            print "Invalid MAC address [",k,"]; nothing to do!!"
            WakeOnLan(k.translate(f1_arg, :.- ))
            print "WOL request has been sent to %s [%s]" % (j,k)
    print "Host [%s] doesn t exist!!" % sys.argv[1]

那些在我家网络(或局域网)内刚开课。 我怎么能改变文字,使之在我的局外发挥作用? 任何想法或建议? !


之所以无法做到这一点,是因为WOL包裹是广播包裹(因为你可以知道谁也发送)。 家庭路由器,特别是ISP/Network路由器丢弃所有广播包裹,因为每当你管理这本书时,整个互联网上的所有计算机都会接受你的包裹,这将造成相当一部分cl。

What you of course can do is write a small application that is on a computer that is running inside the WAN in which you wish to turn on all computers, and then have that application send a WOL packet. However this would require a computer with internet access to be turned on at all times.

Configure your router to forward packets on a selection of 10 non-sequential ports to a machine on your LAN.

制定一些基于GMT 时+一 has的计划,以产生港口触发序列。

在该网络的指挥箱上有一个 p子节目(使用剪辑)聆听了一系列yn子。

聆听员守则将类似于以下 t:

sudo tcpdump -ni eth0  tcp[tcpflags] & (tcp-syn) !=0 


你的方案只是坐在那里,等待正确的顺序。 当收到顺序时,它使用你的邮资。


如果你不希望开放港口,那么你的文字就能够污染一个遥远的网站,等待变化。 或通过电子邮件收听电子邮件。

Taking your idea further, you could do fancy stuff like turn on your lights or boot up the TV.

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