In general your methodology could be to do timing blocks around the sections of code and then issue logging statements. As far as the shutdown after init, I m not familiar with the specifics of what you re using.
Edit: I ve used this middleware to help me find performance sinkholes. It s currently a werkzeug middleware, you may be able to adapt it for you usage. Hope it helps
import re
re_profile = re.compile(ur (^|&|?)prof($|=|&) )
class ProfilerMiddleware(BaseProcessor):
def process_runner(self, runner, environ):
self.profiler = None
if (environ[ REMOTE_ADDR ] in settings_static.internal_ips or settings_static.local_server) and re_profile.match(environ[ QUERY_STRING ]):
self.profiler = cProfile.Profile()
def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
return self.profiler.runcall(runner, *args, **kwargs)
return wrap
def process_response(self, request, response):
if self.profiler:
out = StringIO.StringIO()
old_stdout, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, out
#from dozer.profile import buildtree, write_dot_graph
#write_dot_graph(self.profiler.getstats(), buildtree(self.profiler.getstats()), "/tmp/output.gv")
sys.stdout = old_stdout
response.response = [u <pre>%s</pre> % to_unicode(out.getvalue())]
response.content_type = text/html