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FuelPHP Assets in subfolders
  • 时间:2011-06-12 22:06:34
  •  标签:
  • fuelphp

Is it possible to use Assets to include files that are in sub folders?

Example: [base_url] /assets/css/pepper-grinder/jquery-ui-1.8.11.custom.min.css


You can access subfolders of the asset/ folder with this:

// Image in /assets/img1.jpg
print Asset::img("img1.png"); 

// Image in /assets/subfolder/img2.jpg
print Asset::img("subfolder/img2.jpg");

In ./fuel/core/config/asset.php, you can alter the following code:

 * An array of paths that will be searched for assets. Each asset is a
 * RELATIVE path from the base_url WITH a trailing slash:
 * array( assets/ )
 paths  => array(  ),


 * Asset Sub-folders
 * Names for the img, js and css folders (inside the asset path).
 * Examples:
 * img/
 * js/
 * css/
 * This MUST include the trailing slash ( / )
 img_dir  =>  img/ ,
 js_dir  =>  js/ ,
 css_dir  =>  css/ 

If you configure paths to be assets and css_dir to be css/, you can include [base_url] /assets/css/pepper-grinder/jquery-ui-1.8.11.custom.min.css by using echo Asset::css( pepper-grinder/jquery-ui-1.8.11.custom.min.css );

Yup, you just set the paths in asset.php to whatever you like:

$config[ asset_paths ] = array( assets/ );

That is if you want to use the Asset library. Otherwise just make them absolute paths from webroot.

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