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原标题:Referencing a custom code analysis rule library using a ruleset file

In your .ruleset file, you should be able to add relative paths to the custom rule DLLs. e.g.:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RuleSet Name="Sample" Description="Sample ruleset" ToolsVersion="10.0">

I found even the correct project-relative relative path (provided as Nicole s answer) to my custom rules assembly did not cause my rules to appear in the ruleset editor, while an absolute path to the same assembly did make the rules show up. When I enabled the rules and then changed the path back to a relative path, the rules remain in the editor and are run during source analysis. If I uncheck the rules with a relative path specified, the rules disappear - this seems like a bug in the rules editor.

So, if your rules do not seem to appear when specifying a relative path, try using an absolute one, enabling the rules, and then switching back to a relative path (relative to the project location per @Raithlin).

这个问题似乎也影响到2013年《联邦调查》。 我发现,人工进入相对规则组()。 当我使用演播室规则设计师时,该大会的规则将产生这些规则。 规则也将得到遵守。

So an operational CustomRules.ruleset could look like this, where SR1000 is a rule from SomeRules.dll and SOR1000 is from SomeOtherRules.dll. Note that the tools version is 12.0 for Visual Studio 2013.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RuleSet Name="Sample" Description="Sample ruleset" ToolsVersion="12.0">
  <Rules AnalyzerId="Microsoft.Analyzers.ManagedCodeAnalysis" RuleNamespace="Microsoft.Rules.Managed">
    <Rule Id="SR1000" Action="Error" />
    <Rule Id="SOR1000" Action="Warning" />
    <!-- etc. -->

Note that you can easily include standard Microsoft rules by adding includes like this to RuleSet:

<Include Path="minimumrecommendedrules.ruleset" Action="Default" />

I am using Visual Studio C# 2015 with Update 2. My custom rules do not show up in the ruleset editor of Visual Studio 2015. However when i run the CodeAnalysis, violations appear if there are any. My RuleHintPath looks like this and is relative to the location of the ruleset file:


因此,由于发现了这些侵权行为,事实上,DLLs规则是按既定的相对路线确定的。 为什么规则没有在规则编辑中显示,这是问题。 因此,我假定编辑的 b。

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