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原标题:Why does struts2 doesnt work with generics

I m struggling to make this work but with no luck.

Below is sample code and when I call edit method in the jsp all values are filled, but when I want to save changes then get an exception in OGNL. Maybe stuts2 doesn t work well with generics. Any suggestion would be more than appreciated.

public abstract class ActionHelper<T> extends ActionSupport{

    protected T entity;
    protected Integer id;

    public void setId(Integer id){

    public void setEntity(T entity){

    public void getEntity(T entity){

    public String edit(){
        return "edit";
    public String save(){

    protected abstract T fillEntity();

public class PersonAction extends ActionHelper<Person>{
    Person fillEntity(){
        return genericDao.find(id,Person.class);   

<s:form action="person_save" method="post"> <s:hidden name="entity.id"> <s:textfield name="entity.name"> <s:textfield name="entity.surname"> </form>



您重新利用缺省准入信使来填补遗症,而不是按照 j命名公约,试图:

public Person getEntity(){
    return genericDao.find(id,Person.class);   




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