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C# Deriving Generic Methods
  • 时间:2009-11-13 15:43:54
  •  标签:
  • c#
  • generics

When i need to pass a Generic Type I can use the Syntax

(Example : Ofcourse it is not a Generic Method)

public void Sample(T someValue)

What is the benefit of declaring Sample<T> ?

I mean

public void Sample<T> (T someValue)

For this to work:

public void Sample(T someValue)

The type T has to be declared in the system already. And the method will only accept the type T or its derivatives.

By declaring this:

public void Sample<T> (T someValue)

you say the method will accept any type that comes.


Generic types and generic methods are very different things. It sounds like you have a generic type:

class SomeType<T> {
    public void Sample(T someValue) {...}

and are discussing having a generic method inside it:

class SomeType<T> {
    public void Sample<T>(T someValue) {...}

These are very different. In the first, inside Sample, then T means "the T that got passed to SomeType<T>". In the second, inside Sample, this is a separate and independent T - "the T that got passed to Sample<T>". In fact, calling it T (in this case) is a mistake. You could have, for example:

var obj = new SomeType<int>(); // here T for SomeType<T> is int
obj.Sample<decimal>(123.45M); // here T for Sample<T> is decimal

Note that there is no easy way (within Sample<T>) of saying "the T in SomeType<T>" - hence why you should rename the method s generic type parameter.

There are valid scenarios for this type of scenario (generic methods on generic types), for example (and note the new name):

class SomeType<T> {
    public void Sample<TActual>(TActual someValue) where TActual : T, new() {...}

This allows us to do some very interesting things in terms of inheritance, etc - or you might want a generic method that has little or no relation to T. That is fine too.

Consider the following:

class SomeClass<T>
    public void Sample(T value)
        // code goes here

or this:

class SomeClass
    public void Sample<T>(T value)
        // code goes here

In the first case, for all calls to Sample in a specific instance T will be the same type. In the second case each call in a specific instance can have its own type of T, since the generic type argument is supplied with the method call.

The second approach can have many uses, but one that I have used myself sometimes is in factory methods:

public static class SomeFactory
    public static T CreateSomeObject<T>()
        T result = Activator.CreateInstance<T>();
        // perform any extra initialization
        return result;

You can use the 2nd example if your class isn t generic. It means you can make just that method generic. If your class is generic, you should use your 1st example.

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