是否有办法计算已经拥有<代码>的一套记录中的记录数目。 适用的组别
I have a table that contains a weekly summary of wins, ties and losses for all users in a series of games. It looks sort of like this:
userid weekid wins losses ties
1 1 10 5 2
1 2 11 3 3
1 3 8 9 0
2 1 11 6 0
2 2 7 9 1
2 3 9 7 1
3 1 3 14 0
3 2 7 9 1
3 3 6 9 2
I want to determine the rank of a given user. I would do this by counting the number of users with a better combination of wins, ties and losses than that user. If I wanted to determine the rank of user #3 for example, I could use this query, but it only gets me half way there:
FROM scores
GROUP BY userid
HAVING (SUM(wins) * 2) + SUM(ties) > 35
这使我感到有记录,有2个记录(他排名第三)。 我真的喜欢的是记录数目(2)而不是记录本身。 我认为的唯一事情是把记录放在临时桌上,并在那里打上<条形码>。 或者,我可以把数据转回C#,并记录在那里,但如果特定用户有可怕的记录,我需要发送大量记录。