[1 1 1 nan nan 2 2 nan 0]
[1 1 1 1.3 1.6 2 2 1 0]
[1 1 1 nan nan 2 2 nan 0]
[1 1 1 1.3 1.6 2 2 1 0]
Lets define first a simple helper function in order to make it more straightforward to handle indices and logical indices of NaNs:
import numpy as np
def nan_helper(y):
"""Helper to handle indices and logical indices of NaNs.
- y, 1d numpy array with possible NaNs
- nans, logical indices of NaNs
- index, a function, with signature indices= index(logical_indices),
to convert logical indices of NaNs to equivalent indices
>>> # linear interpolation of NaNs
>>> nans, x= nan_helper(y)
>>> y[nans]= np.interp(x(nans), x(~nans), y[~nans])
return np.isnan(y), lambda z: z.nonzero()[0]
Now the nan_helper(.)
can now be utilized like:
>>> y= array([1, 1, 1, NaN, NaN, 2, 2, NaN, 0])
>>> nans, x= nan_helper(y)
>>> y[nans]= np.interp(x(nans), x(~nans), y[~nans])
>>> print y.round(2)
[ 1. 1. 1. 1.33 1.67 2. 2. 1. 0. ]
Although it may seem first a little bit overkill to specify a separate function to do just things like this:
>>> nans, x= np.isnan(y), lambda z: z.nonzero()[0]
it will eventually pay dividends.
So, whenever you are working with NaNs related data, just encapsulate all the (new NaN related) functionality needed, under some specific helper function(s). Your code base will be more coherent and readable, because it follows easily understandable idioms.
Interpolation, indeed, is a nice context to see how NaN handling is done, but similar techniques are utilized in various other contexts as well.
import numpy as np
nan = np.nan
A = np.array([1, nan, nan, 2, 2, nan, 0])
ok = -np.isnan(A)
xp = ok.ravel().nonzero()[0]
fp = A[-np.isnan(A)]
x = np.isnan(A).ravel().nonzero()[0]
A[np.isnan(A)] = np.interp(x, xp, fp)
print A
[ 1. 1.33333333 1.66666667 2. 2. 1. 0. ]
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
def fill_nan(A):
interpolate to fill nan values
inds = np.arange(A.shape[0])
good = np.where(np.isfinite(A))
f = interpolate.interp1d(inds[good], A[good],bounds_error=False)
B = np.where(np.isfinite(A),A,f(inds))
return B
关于两个层面的数据,SciPy sgriddata
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.interpolate import griddata
>>> # SETUP
>>> a = np.arange(25).reshape((5, 5)).astype(float)
>>> a
array([[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.],
[ 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.],
[ 10., 11., 12., 13., 14.],
[ 15., 16., 17., 18., 19.],
[ 20., 21., 22., 23., 24.]])
>>> a[np.random.randint(2, size=(5, 5)).astype(bool)] = np.NaN
>>> a
array([[ nan, nan, nan, 3., 4.],
[ nan, 6., 7., nan, nan],
[ 10., nan, nan, 13., nan],
[ 15., 16., 17., nan, 19.],
[ nan, nan, 22., 23., nan]])
>>> x, y = np.indices(a.shape)
>>> interp = np.array(a)
>>> interp[np.isnan(interp)] = griddata(
... (x[~np.isnan(a)], y[~np.isnan(a)]), # points we know
... a[~np.isnan(a)], # values we know
... (x[np.isnan(a)], y[np.isnan(a)])) # points to interpolate
>>> interp
array([[ nan, nan, nan, 3., 4.],
[ nan, 6., 7., 8., 9.],
[ 10., 11., 12., 13., 14.],
[ 15., 16., 17., 18., 19.],
[ nan, nan, 22., 23., nan]])
我在3D图像上使用这一图像,在2D系列片上运行(4 000个切片350x350)。 整个行动仍需要一小时:
It might be easier to change how the data is being generated in the first place, but if not:
bad_indexes = np.isnan(data)
Create a boolean array indicating where the nans are
good_indexes = np.logical_not(bad_indexes)
Create a boolean array indicating where the good values area
good_data = data[good_indexes]
A restricted version of the original data excluding the nans
interpolated = np.interp(bad_indexes.nonzero(), good_indexes.nonzero(), good_data)
Run all the bad indexes through interpolation
data[bad_indexes] = interpolated
def pad(data):
bad_indexes = np.isnan(data)
good_indexes = np.logical_not(bad_indexes)
good_data = data[good_indexes]
interpolated = np.interp(bad_indexes.nonzero()[0], good_indexes.nonzero()[0], good_data)
data[bad_indexes] = interpolated
return data
A = np.array([[1, 20, 300],
[nan, nan, nan],
[3, 40, 500]])
A = np.apply_along_axis(pad, 0, A)
print A
[[ 1. 20. 300.]
[ 2. 30. 400.]
[ 3. 40. 500.]]
A = np.array([1, nan, nan, 2, 2, nan, 0])
np.arange(len(A))[np.isnan(A) == False],
A[np.isnan(A) == False])
array([1. , 1.33333333, 1.66666667, 2. , 2. , 1. , 0. ])
根据的答复,稍微优化版本。 BRYAN WOODS。 它正确处理源数据的起始和终结值,其速度比原版本快25-30%。 也可使用不同种类的干涉(详情请见假文件。
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
def fill_nans_scipy1(padata, pkind= linear ):
Interpolates data to fill nan values
padata : nd array
source data with np.NaN values
nd array
resulting data with interpolated values instead of nans
aindexes = np.arange(padata.shape[0])
agood_indexes, = np.where(np.isfinite(padata))
f = interp1d(agood_indexes
, padata[agood_indexes]
, bounds_error=False
, copy=False
, fill_value="extrapolate"
, kind=pkind)
return f(aindexes)
In [17]: adata = np.array([1, 2, np.NaN, 4])
Out[18]: array([ 1., 2., nan, 4.])
In [19]: fill_nans_scipy1(adata)
Out[19]: array([1., 2., 3., 4.])
我在履行职责时使用了线性倒退,以填补NaNs。 这克服了我的问题:
import numpy as np
def linearly_interpolate_nans(y):
# Fit a linear regression to the non-nan y values
# Create X matrix for linreg with an intercept and an index
X = np.vstack((np.ones(len(y)), np.arange(len(y))))
# Get the non-NaN values of X and y
X_fit = X[:, ~np.isnan(y)]
y_fit = y[~np.isnan(y)].reshape(-1, 1)
# Estimate the coefficients of the linear regression
beta = np.linalg.lstsq(X_fit.T, y_fit)[0]
# Fill in all the nan values using the predicted coefficients
y.flat[np.isnan(y)] = np.dot(X[:, np.isnan(y)].T, beta)
return y
# Make an array according to some linear function
y = np.arange(12) * 1.5 + 10.
# First and last value are NaN
y[0] = np.nan
y[-1] = np.nan
# 30% of other values are NaN
for i in range(len(y)):
if np.random.rand() > 0.7:
y[i] = np.nan
# NaN s are filled in!
print (y)
print (linearly_interpolate_nans(y))
def fill_nan(A):
interpolate to fill nan values
inds = np.arange(A.shape[0])
good = np.where(np.isfinite(A))
if len(good[0]) == 0:
return np.nan_to_num(A)
f = interp1d(inds[good], A[good], bounds_error=False)
B = np.where(np.isfinite(A), A, f(inds))
return B
Simple addition, I hope it will be of use to someone.
Importing scipy looks like overkill to me. Here s a simple way using numpy and maintaining the same conventions as np.interp
def interp_nans(x:[float],left=None, right=None, period=None)->[float]:
e.g. [1 1 1 nan nan 2 2 nan 0] -> [1 1 1 1.3 1.6 2 2 1 0]
xp = [i for i, yi in enumerate(x) if np.isfinite(yi)]
fp = [yi for i, yi in enumerate(x) if np.isfinite(yi)]
return list(np.interp(x=list(range(len(x))), xp=xp, fp=fp,left=left,right=right,period=period))
The following solution interpolates the nan values in an array by np.interp
, if a finite value is present on both sides. Nan values at the borders are handled by np.pad
with modes like constant
or reflect
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def extrainterpolate_nans_1d(
arr, kws_pad=({ mode : edge }, { mode : edge })
"""Interpolates and extrapolates nan values.
Interpolation is linear, compare np.interp(..).
Extrapolation works with pad keywords, compare np.pad(..).
arr : np.ndarray, shape (N,)
Array to replace nans in.
kws_pad : dict or (dict, dict)
kwargs for np.pad on left and right side
Description of return value
See Also
assert arr.ndim == 1
if isinstance(kws_pad, dict):
kws_pad_left = kws_pad
kws_pad_right = kws_pad
assert len(kws_pad) == 2
assert isinstance(kws_pad[0], dict)
assert isinstance(kws_pad[1], dict)
kws_pad_left = kws_pad[0]
kws_pad_right = kws_pad[1]
arr_ip = arr.copy()
# interpolation
inds = np.arange(len(arr_ip))
nan_msk = np.isnan(arr_ip)
arr_ip[nan_msk] = np.interp(inds[nan_msk], inds[~nan_msk], arr[~nan_msk])
# detemine pad range
i0 = next(
(ids for ids, val in np.ndenumerate(arr) if not np.isnan(val)), 0)[0]
i1 = next(
(ids for ids, val in np.ndenumerate(arr[::-1]) if not np.isnan(val)), 0)[0]
i1 = len(arr) - i1
# print( pad in range [0:{:}] and [{:}:{:}] .format(i0, i1, len(arr)))
# pad
arr_pad = np.pad(
arr_ip[i0:], pad_width=[(i0, 0)], **kws_pad_left)
arr_pad = np.pad(
arr_pad[:i1], pad_width=[(0, len(arr) - i1)], **kws_pad_right)
return arr_pad
# setup data
ys = np.arange(30, dtype=float)**2/20
ys[:5] = np.nan
ys[20:] = 20
ys[28:] = np.nan
ys[[7, 13, 14, 18, 22]] = np.nan
ys_ie0 = extrainterpolate_nans_1d(ys)
kws_pad_sym = { mode : symmetric }
kws_pad_const7 = { mode : constant , constant_values :7.}
ys_ie1 = extrainterpolate_nans_1d(ys, kws_pad=(kws_pad_sym, kws_pad_const7))
ys_ie2 = extrainterpolate_nans_1d(ys, kws_pad=(kws_pad_const7, kws_pad_sym))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(np.arange(len(ys)), ys, s=15**2, label= ys )
ax.scatter(np.arange(len(ys)), ys_ie0, s=8**2, label= ys_ie0, left_pad edge, right_pad edge )
ax.scatter(np.arange(len(ys)), ys_ie1, s=6**2, label= ys_ie1, left_pad symmetric, right_pad 7 )
ax.scatter(np.arange(len(ys)), ys_ie2, s=4**2, label= ys_ie2, left_pad 7, right_pad symmetric )
正如先前的评论所建议的那样,这样做的最佳方法是利用同行审查的执行。 邮资图书馆有1d数据的干涉方法,其中涉及<代码>np.nan。 http://www.ohchr.org。
pandas.Series.interpolate or Frpan.Datame.
文件非常简明,建议阅读! 我的执行:
import pandas as pd
magnitudes_series = pd.Series(magnitudes) # Convert np.array to pd.Series
# I used "akima" because the second derivative of my data has frequent drops to 0
# Interpolate from both sides of the sequence, up to you (made sense for my data)
# Interpolate only np.nan sequences that have number sequences at the ends of the respective np.nan sequences
# I chose to remove np.nan at the tails of data sequence
result_in_numpy_array = magnitudes_series.values
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