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原标题:Passing data from CakePHP component to a helper

我需要在组成部分和助手之间分享数据。 我把我自制的付费服务制成数据生成器转换成一个卡克萨斯喀彻温板,我愿意填写控制器(使用一个部件)的付款数据,并使用一台助手打印数据。

我迄今所尝试的所有东西都感到过一点太 ha,因此,请你: 是否有任何<>法定方式将数据从一个部分传送给一个助手?


我解决了这一特殊情形,在构成部分初始阶段,将原数据类别类别添加到类别Registry。 这样,该助手也可以通过职业类获得治疗。

However, this only works for objects, so the question remains open.



您可以使用辅助器__ 施工方法,配以控制器和助推器阵列。

Since the Helper::_construct() is called after the Component::beforeRender, you can modify the $controller->helpers[ YourHelperName ] array to pass the data to your helper.



public function beforeRender($controller){
    $controller->helpers[ YourHelperName ][ data ] = array( A =>1,  B =>2);

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 助手代码:


function __construct($View, $settings){
            /* outputs:
                     data  => array(
                         A  => (int) 1,
                         B  => (int) 2


I am using CakePHP 2.0, so this solution should be tested for earlier versions.


// In your controller method
// must be set prior to instantiating view
$this->helpers[ YourHelperName ][ paramsOrAnyName ] = [ var  => $passed_var];

$_newView = new View($this);
$return_result = $_newView->render($element_to_view, $layout);

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