How can i set a single property to different values based on conditions. My scenario is as follows: 1) Loop through different values of messageid 2) Give different comment for each messageid
<for list="12,23,34,45" param="messageid">
<condition property="comment" value="wireMsg-Inbound">
<equals arg1="messageid" arg2="12"/>
<condition property="comment" value="wireMsg-Outbound">
<equals arg1="messageid" arg2="12"/>
<condition property="comment" value="appMsg-Inbound">
<equals arg1="messageid" arg2="12"/>
<condition property="comment" value="appMsg-Outbound">
<equals arg1="messageid" arg2="12"/>
Is this valid? Is there any other way? Also if i want to go through the loop each time the property comment should get updated with the new value, but since properties are immutable, how do i solve this?
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