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New line delimited json file upload to bigquery error Code:3
jobStatus: {
errorResult: {
code: 3
message: "Error while reading data, error message: JSON table encountered too many errors, giving up. Rows: 1127; errors: 1. Please look into the errors[] collection for more details."
errors: [
0: {
code: 3
message: "Error while reading data, error message: JSON table encountered too many errors, giving up. Rows: 1127; errors: 1. Please look into the errors[] collection for more details."
1: {
code: 3
message: "Error while reading data, error message: JSON processing encountered too many errors, giving up. Rows: 1127; errors: 1; max bad: 0; error percent: 0"
2: {
code: 3
message: "Error while reading data, error message: JSON parsing error in row starting at position 132601653: Parser terminated before end of string"
jobState: "DONE"

This is line 1127 for the .json file

{"id":"xxx","ContextId":"xxx","dueAt":"2023-01-26T05:59:59.000Z","title":"1/25 MATH: *LOCATION CHANGE* Live Session @ 9:40 -  ZEARN M4 L 20","aos":null,"aos_user":null,"aos_ass":null,"aos_work":null,"aos_assId":null,"c_id":"xxx","c_accountId":"xxx","c_enrollmentTermId":"xxx","c_name":"MATH 5 - xxx - 02","c_courseWorkflowState":"available","e_id":"xxx","e_courseId":"xxx","e_courseSectionId":"xxx","cs_sisSourceId":"xxx~xxx","u_id":"xxx","u_name":"xxx xxx","edd_assignmentId":null,"edd_userId":null,"edd_effectiveDueDate":null,"et_id":"xxx","et_name":"2022/2023 S1 S2","et_startAt":"2022-08-04T05:01:00.000Z","et_endAt":"2023-05-23T04:59:00.000Z","et_valueGradingPeriodGroupId":"xxx","acc_id":"xxx","acc_name":"Elementary Math","acc_parentAccount":"xxx","really_dueAT":"2023-01-26T05:59:59Z","YearWeek":"202304","s_id":"xxx","s_excused":"false","s_assignmentId":"xxx","s_gradingPeriodId":"xxx","s_submission_type":"basic_lti_launch","s_workflowState":"graded","s_attempt":"1"}

column names and data were altered to protect data but the structure remains intact... any insight would be greatly appreciated....

I have many other jobs that are in the same realm as this.... this file is quite large 1.5 gigs but it s not a timeout error... so I am lost



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