English 中文(简体)
• 帮助实施该次探测算法?
原标题:Help with implementing this beat-detection algorithm?

我最近试图执行此处发现的星号探测法,即:Derivation and Combfilter算法1:

我不敢肯定,如果我没有取得良好结果,我会成功执行。 我很想知道,有人是否成功地或只是为了想要普遍帮助的好人而执行了这一规定。 我在此执行:

//Cycle through Tempo s (60 to 200) incrementing each time by 10
for (int i = (int)mintempo; i <= maxtempo; i += 10)
    //Clear variables to be used
    curtempo = i;
    offset = 0;
    energy = 0;
    short[] prevBuffer = null;

    //Calculate ti
    ti = (60 / curtempo) * 44100;
    ti = Math.Round(ti, 0);

    //Generate pulse train
    for (int j = 0; j < pulseTrain.Length; j++)
        if ((j % ti) == 0)
            pulseTrain[j] = short.MaxValue;
            pulseTrain[j] = 0;

    //Compute FFT of the pulseTrain array
    while (offset < pulseTrain.Length)
        //Generate block samples (1024 is my blocksize)
        short[] fftPulseBuffer = new short[po.blocksize / 2];

        //Store samples from pulseTrain in a 1024 block buffer for passing to the FFT algorithm
        index = 0;
        for (int j = offset; j < (offset + (po.blocksize / 2)) && j < pulseTrain.Length; j++)
            fftPulseBuffer[index] = pulseTrain[j];

        //Initialize prevBuffer, which contains samples from the previous block, used in conjunction with the current block for the FFT
        if (prevBuffer == null)
            prevBuffer = new short[po.blocksize / 2];

        //Calculate the FFT using the current and previous blocks

        //Set prevBuffer and increment to next block start position
        prevBuffer = fftPulseBuffer;
        offset += (po.blocksize / 2);

//Calculate energy
    for (int j = 0; j < intendomainarr.Count; j++)
        double[] signalarr = intendomainarr[j];
        double[] pulsearr = fftPulse[j];
        for (int x = 0; x < signalarr.Length; x++)
            energy += Math.Abs(signalarr[x] * pulsearr[x]);

    //Get current best tempo match
    if (energy > maxenergy)
        chosentempo = curtempo;
        maxenergy = energy;


请注意,我正在使用“WAV”档案(44.1Khz, 16-bit, Mono),这样一些公式就作了修改(即计算能源),只用一个渠道开展工作。 我要确认,在执行我方面是否有任何差异? 我并不担心FFT部分,因为我正在为此使用一个图书馆。



• 绘制能源的地块。

I think you ll find that the harmonics have nearly identical energy to the base signal, and if the actual frequency falls halfway between frequency bins, then the second harmonic s peak is sampled and easily beats the two samples to either side of the true frequency.


请注意,虽然C#不是在实际时间或批量处理中采用这种算法的不合理选择,但它对于算法开发和拖.来说是可怕的。 d 我建议使用MatLab(或免费衣帽),以获得算法权,而且只是在处理一些测试案件时,才将该代码改为C#(或C++)。


    //Generate block samples (1024 is my blocksize)
    short[] fftPulseBuffer = new short[po.blocksize / 2];

    //Store samples from pulseTrain in a 1024 block buffer for passing to the FFT algorithm
    index = 0;
    for (int j = offset; j < (offset + (po.blocksize / 2)) && j < pulseTrain.Length; j++)
        fftPulseBuffer[index] = pulseTrain[j];


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