English 中文(简体)
MATLAB: How to pathply two range of matrices?
原标题:MATLAB: How to vector-multiply two arrays of matrices?


A = repmat([1,2; 3,4], [1 1 4]);

(但<条码>A(:j)对每一条<代码>j有所不同)。 • 如何易于执行每个<代码>j的矩阵表,可复制两种此类矩阵信息:<代码>A和B?

C = A; % pre-allocate, nan(size(A,1), size(B,2)) would be better but slower
for jj = 1:size(A, 3)
  C(:,:,jj) = A(:,:,jj) * B(:,:,jj);

工作当然是做的,但如果第三个方面比1e3因素要多,那么,这非常缓慢,因为它没有使用MATLAB的病媒化。 因此,是否有更快的途径?


我高度建议你使用MMX工具箱 matlab。 它可以尽可能快地增加单维矩阵。


  1. It is easy to use.
  2. Multiply n-dimensional matrices (actually it can multiply arrays of 2-D matrices)
  3. It performs other matrix operations (transpose, Quadratic Multiply, Chol decomposition and more)
  4. It uses C compiler and multi-thread computation for speed up.

For this problem, you just need to write this command:

C=mmx( mul ,A,B);


%# mmx toolbox
function C=func6(A,B,n,m,p)
    C=mmx( mul ,A,B);


    1.6571 # FOR-loop
    4.3110 # ARRAYFUN
    3.3731 # NUM2CELL/FOR-loop/CELL2MAT
    0.0244 # Loop Unrolling
    0.0221 # MMX toolbox  <===================



我现在进行了一些时间测试,这是2x2x2x2的最快途径。 注

C = A;
C(1,1,:) = A(1,1,:).*B(1,1,:) + A(1,2,:).*B(2,1,:);
C(1,2,:) = A(1,1,:).*B(1,2,:) + A(1,2,:).*B(2,2,:);
C(2,1,:) = A(2,1,:).*B(1,1,:) + A(2,2,:).*B(2,1,:);
C(2,2,:) = A(2,1,:).*B(1,2,:) + A(2,2,:).*B(2,2,:);


Should one already have the result as cell-array of matrices though, using cellfun is the fastest choice, it is also faster than looping over the cell elements:

C = cellfun(@mtimes, A, B,  UniformOutput , false);

但是,必须打上rel=“nofollow”>num2cell 首先(Ac = num2cell(A, [1 2])和cell2mat,用于3d-array案废物,时间过长。


 array-for: 0.057112
 arrayfun : 0.14206
 num2cell : 0.079468
 cell-for : 0.033173
 cellfun  : 0.025223
 cell2mat : 0.010213
 explicit : 0.0021338

Explicit refers to using direct calculation of the 2 x 2 matrix elements, see bellow. The result is similar for new random arrays, cellfun is the fastest if no num2cell is required before and there is no restriction to 2x2xN. For general 3d-arrays looping over the third dimension is indeed the fastest choice already. Here s the timing code:

n = 2;
m = 2;
l = 1e4;

A = rand(n,m,l);
B = rand(m,n,l);

% naive for-loop:
%Cf = nan(n,n,l);
Cf = A;
for jl = 1:l
    Cf(:,:,jl) = A(:,:,jl) * B(:,:,jl);
disp([  array-for:   num2str(toc)]);

% using arrayfun:
Ca = arrayfun(@(k) A(:,:,k)*B(:,:,k), 1:size(A,3),  UniformOutput ,false);
Ca = cat(3,Ca{:});
disp([  arrayfun :   num2str(toc)]);

Ac = num2cell(A, [1 2]);
Bc = num2cell(B, [1 2]);
disp([  num2cell :   num2str(toc)]);

% cell for-loop:
Cfc = Ac;
for jl = 1:l
    Cfc{jl} = Ac{jl} * Bc{jl};
disp([  cell-for :   num2str(toc)]);

% using cellfun:
Cc = cellfun(@mtimes, Ac, Bc,  UniformOutput , false);
disp([  cellfun  :   num2str(toc)]);

Cc = cell2mat(Cc);
disp([  cell2mat :   num2str(toc)]);

Cm = A;
Cm(1,1,:) = A(1,1,:).*B(1,1,:) + A(1,2,:).*B(2,1,:);
Cm(1,2,:) = A(1,1,:).*B(1,2,:) + A(1,2,:).*B(2,2,:);
Cm(2,1,:) = A(2,1,:).*B(1,1,:) + A(2,2,:).*B(2,1,:);
Cm(2,2,:) = A(2,1,:).*B(1,2,:) + A(2,2,:).*B(2,2,:);
disp([  explicit :   num2str(toc)]);

disp(   );

这里是我的基准测试,比较了https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6580656/matlab-how-to-vector-multiply-second-arrays-of-matrices/6580802#65802>@TobiasKienzler。 答案。 我正在使用 TPASIT功能,以获得更准确的时间。

function [t,v] = matrixMultTest()
    n = 2; m = 2; p = 1e5;
    A = rand(n,m,p);
    B = rand(m,n,p);

    %# time functions
    t = zeros(5,1);
    t(1) = timeit( @() func1(A,B,n,m,p) );
    t(2) = timeit( @() func2(A,B,n,m,p) );
    t(3) = timeit( @() func3(A,B,n,m,p) );
    t(4) = timeit( @() func4(A,B,n,m,p) );
    t(5) = timeit( @() func5(A,B,n,m,p) );

    %# check the results
    v = cell(5,1);
    v{1} = func1(A,B,n,m,p);
    v{2} = func2(A,B,n,m,p);
    v{3} = func3(A,B,n,m,p);
    v{4} = func4(A,B,n,m,p);
    v{5} = func5(A,B,n,m,p);
    assert( isequal(v{:}) )

%# simple FOR-loop
function C = func1(A,B,n,m,p)
    C = zeros(n,n,p);
    for k=1:p
        C(:,:,k) = A(:,:,k) * B(:,:,k);

function C = func2(A,B,n,m,p)
    C = arrayfun(@(k) A(:,:,k)*B(:,:,k), 1:p,  UniformOutput ,false);
    C = cat(3, C{:});

function C = func3(A,B,n,m,p)
    Ac = num2cell(A, [1 2]);
    Bc = num2cell(B, [1 2]);
    C = cell(1,1,p);
    for k=1:p
        C{k} = Ac{k} * Bc{k};
    C = cell2mat(C);

function C = func4(A,B,n,m,p)
    Ac = num2cell(A, [1 2]);
    Bc = num2cell(B, [1 2]);
    C = cellfun(@mtimes, Ac, Bc,  UniformOutput , false);
    C = cell2mat(C);

%# Loop Unrolling
function C = func5(A,B,n,m,p)
    C = zeros(n,n,p);
    C(1,1,:) = A(1,1,:).*B(1,1,:) + A(1,2,:).*B(2,1,:);
    C(1,2,:) = A(1,1,:).*B(1,2,:) + A(1,2,:).*B(2,2,:);
    C(2,1,:) = A(2,1,:).*B(1,1,:) + A(2,2,:).*B(2,1,:);
    C(2,2,:) = A(2,1,:).*B(1,2,:) + A(2,2,:).*B(2,2,:);

The results:

>> [t,v] = matrixMultTest();
>> t
t =
      0.63633      # FOR-loop
      1.5902       # ARRAYFUN
      1.1257       # NUM2CELL/FOR-loop/CELL2MAT
      1.0759       # NUM2CELL/CELLFUN/CELL2MAT
      0.05712      # Loop Unrolling

正如我在评论中解释的那样,简单易行是最佳解决办法(,就最后一种情况而言,只有2-by-2 matrices才能做到这一点)。

一种办法是,为A和B建立一个2Nx2N 稀释矩阵,并植根于2x2 矩阵。 两种产品是par缩的,其结果为略微cl,将其重新编为2x2xN。


在我的经验中,一种更快捷的方法是,在三维矩阵上使用清晰的多重复和总结。 以下职能:z_matmultiply(A,B)使两个具有同样深度的三维矩阵形形形形色色。 重复采用尽可能平行的方式进行,因此,你可能要检查这一职能的速度,并在大量重复情况下与其他职能进行比较。

function C = z_matmultiply(A,B)

[ma,na,oa] = size(A);
[mb,nb,ob] = size(B);

%preallocate the output as we will do a loop soon
C = zeros(ma,nb,oa);

%error message if the dimensions are not appropriate
if na ~= mb || oa ~= ob
 z_matmultiply warning: Matrix Dimmensions Inconsistent 

% if statement minimizes for loops by looping the smallest matrix dimension 
if ma > nb
    for j = 1:nb
        Bp(j,:,:) = B(:,j,:);
        C(:,j,:) = sum(A.*repmat(Bp(j,:,:),[ma,1]),2);
    for i = 1:ma
        Ap(:,i,:) = A(i,:,:);
        C(i,:,:) = sum(repmat(Ap(:,i,:),[1,nb]).*B,1);


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