我现在进行了一些时间测试,这是2x2x2x2的最快途径。 注
C = A;
C(1,1,:) = A(1,1,:).*B(1,1,:) + A(1,2,:).*B(2,1,:);
C(1,2,:) = A(1,1,:).*B(1,2,:) + A(1,2,:).*B(2,2,:);
C(2,1,:) = A(2,1,:).*B(1,1,:) + A(2,2,:).*B(2,1,:);
C(2,2,:) = A(2,1,:).*B(1,2,:) + A(2,2,:).*B(2,2,:);
Should one already have the result as cell-array of matrices though, using cellfun is the fastest choice, it is also faster than looping over the cell elements:
C = cellfun(@mtimes, A, B, UniformOutput , false);
但是,必须打上rel=“nofollow”>num2cell 首先(Ac = num2cell(A, [1 2]
array-for: 0.057112
arrayfun : 0.14206
num2cell : 0.079468
cell-for : 0.033173
cellfun : 0.025223
cell2mat : 0.010213
explicit : 0.0021338
Explicit refers to using direct calculation of the 2 x 2 matrix elements, see bellow.
The result is similar for new random arrays, cellfun
is the fastest if no num2cell
is required before and there is no restriction to 2x2xN. For general 3d-arrays looping over the third dimension is indeed the fastest choice already. Here s the timing code:
n = 2;
m = 2;
l = 1e4;
A = rand(n,m,l);
B = rand(m,n,l);
% naive for-loop:
%Cf = nan(n,n,l);
Cf = A;
for jl = 1:l
Cf(:,:,jl) = A(:,:,jl) * B(:,:,jl);
disp([ array-for: num2str(toc)]);
% using arrayfun:
Ca = arrayfun(@(k) A(:,:,k)*B(:,:,k), 1:size(A,3), UniformOutput ,false);
Ca = cat(3,Ca{:});
disp([ arrayfun : num2str(toc)]);
Ac = num2cell(A, [1 2]);
Bc = num2cell(B, [1 2]);
disp([ num2cell : num2str(toc)]);
% cell for-loop:
Cfc = Ac;
for jl = 1:l
Cfc{jl} = Ac{jl} * Bc{jl};
disp([ cell-for : num2str(toc)]);
% using cellfun:
Cc = cellfun(@mtimes, Ac, Bc, UniformOutput , false);
disp([ cellfun : num2str(toc)]);
Cc = cell2mat(Cc);
disp([ cell2mat : num2str(toc)]);
Cm = A;
Cm(1,1,:) = A(1,1,:).*B(1,1,:) + A(1,2,:).*B(2,1,:);
Cm(1,2,:) = A(1,1,:).*B(1,2,:) + A(1,2,:).*B(2,2,:);
Cm(2,1,:) = A(2,1,:).*B(1,1,:) + A(2,2,:).*B(2,1,:);
Cm(2,2,:) = A(2,1,:).*B(1,2,:) + A(2,2,:).*B(2,2,:);
disp([ explicit : num2str(toc)]);
disp( );