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doxygen chokes on __init__.py file
原标题:doxygen chokes on __init__.py files

I m 试图用Doxygen来记录一个 p形模块,但似乎存在着_init__.py。 档案造成问题

现行<代码>_init_.py 档案是空洞的(我试图在档案中添加类似的意见)。

## Nothing here

但没有成功。 模块名称空间没有在Doxygen方面解决——如果是我的档案的话:

## @package stuff
#  @author me
#  Description
#  Some more description

## A class that does whatever
class whatever:
    ## A method that does stuff
    def dostuff(self):

它只能摘取描述和一些描述。 即使档案中的任何类别都未包含_init__方法(虽然可能已经点名冲突),但氧气不会在模块中找到任何东西。

I ve tried using various EXCLUDE directives in Doxyfile but nothing has worked.

是否有人处理这个问题? 关于删除<代码>_init_.py的文件,所有文件都做了细微的工作,不过这远远低于最佳解决办法。


I have had exactly the same problem, I found the issue was with the naming of the package. The name given needs to be fully qualified. Otherwise you are creating documentation for a new package, in this case with the name stuff, but your class will be in an undocumented package, which unless you have EXTRACT_ALL set to yes will be hidden.

因此,您的档案称为stuff.py,并载于一份称为my Pack的名录,同时还有_init__py,然后stuff.py。 不妨研究一下:

## @package mypackage.stuff
#  Description
#  Some more description
#  @author me

## A class that does whatever
class whatever:
    ## A method that does stuff
    def dostuff(self):

## A function that does whatever
def whatever:


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