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排在同一个网页上,带电灯。 NET
原标题:posting to the same page with query string ASP.NET

我的问题是,在网页上任何纽芬兰人点击事件之前,这页的火力。 如果我想回到同一页,并在问询中转交一些数据,那么,就在第1页。 Load读到该数据和人口网格,视盘点的价值而定(细节.aspx =>细节.aspx?id=2)。

我如何能够这样做? 谢谢!

private void Page_Load()
    if (IsPostBack)
        // DO what you need to do from the postback here.


if you use are redirecting to the page it is no longer a postback (Response.Redirect). In that case the option I see is in page_load you check for a specific querystring parameter and act on it.



The Request.Form.Keys collection contains the button id that caused the postback. In effect you can use this to detect the button that was clicked.
Alternatively use ASP hyperlink control and put the querystring url into the NavgateUrl property. (unless you have more postback data required from the details page)


<asp:HyperLink ID=”linkTest1” runat=”server” NavigateUrl= <%# Eval(“ColumnName”, “Details.aspx?ID={0}”)  %>

Or you can set the ID from code behind like ths

linkTest.NavigateUrl = "Details.aspx?ID=" + IdVariable;

This would be better than doing the response.redirect

他似乎只是简单地问他如何用问话向同一页。 我感到惊讶的是,为什么没有人提到:

 void Page_Load( ... )
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)

当然,根据你的解释,我只字不提URL。 你们能够以方案方式确定这种ur和 que。


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