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现代 per——准备运行应用——以实例学习——从什么中学习? [闭门]
原标题:Modern perl - ready to run applications - learning by examples - from what? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.

I m learning Modern perl - Moose, Plack etc. In much advices you can read "learn by examples" - so started searching for some ready-to-run applications written with Modern perl.


and much more (perl.org and etc.) - and unfortunately - I m not found any "ready to run" application written with Modern perl.

I m没有发现任何Moose/Plack-CMS、购物和博客或任何网络应用。 很难相信,现在还不存在,因此很可能在错误的地方找不到。

Please can you point me into some "Ready to run" web applications written in Modern Perl (not only frameworks)? I checked all apps from the above links, and no one is Moose/Plack based.

Already found "modern" applications

Catalyst based:


  • none yet

Mason - framework only, but pure Moose/Plack based.


Some links after searching for "Catalyst" in the github (maybe, some are abandoned):

and much more.

Unfortunately, havent any concept how to search github for non POPs/strong>, but still Moose/Plack submissions.


ShinyCMS is an open-source content management system which uses Catalyst and Moose. It s still in it s early stages, but is definitely worth a look.

Deimos CMS is, as far as I am aware, still in its alpha stages, but may be of interest.

Silki is a Catalyst-based wiki hosting platform, which uses Moose, Catalyst and Fey::ORM.

Silki is written by Dave Rolsky, and I highly recommend that you have a look at his blog. It contains a great deal of really useful information, including "How I Use Catalyst". And although it is not a ready to run application, you might find looking at the source code for Chloro helpful.

Finally, WebNano is a PSGI based framework - I know you are looking for apps, but as this is PSGI based, I thought it might be useful.

You could take a look at some of Duck Duck Go s Github repositories. It s Modern Perl, using Catalyst, and with a lot of Moose inside. community-platform project is a good beginning.

If you re looking at web application frameworks under Modern Perl - have you looked at Catalyst?


Their tutorial is also a good place to see working code:

Alternatively you could look at Mojolicious - might be an easier place to start off.

Lots of cookbook type code here (not sure about large applications though)


You had mentioned Moose. Along with the Cookbook, I ve found the Manual to also be helpful. There s also A Gentle Introduction to Moose and Getting Your Antlers (both from catalyzed.org).

除此以外,我也建议tin,看看它是如何运作的。 如果你提出更具体的问题,请将这些问题列入议程。

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