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Xcode press - AddObject
原标题:Xcode warning - addObject


-(void) finishQuestionnaire:(id)sender{ 
    NSString * ans;
    NSString* qt = [[[questionArray objectAtIndex:currQNum-1] question] qType];     
    if([qt isEqualToString:@"Slider"]){
        ans = [[[questionArray objectAtIndex:currQNum-1] sliderLabel]text];
    }else if([qt isEqualToString:@"Option"]){               

    }else if([qt isEqualToString:@"TextInput"]){
        ans = [[[questionArray objectAtIndex:currQNum-1] inputAnswer]text];
    }else if([qt isEqualToString:@"ImagePicker"]){

    }else if([qt isEqualToString:@"Comment"]){
        ans = [[[questionArray objectAtIndex:currQNum-1] inputAnswer]text];             

NSLog(@"%@", [questionArray objectAtIndex:currQNum-1]);
NSLog(@"%@", [[questionArray objectAtIndex:currQNum-1] question]);
NSLog(@"%@", [[[questionArray objectAtIndex:currQNum-1] question] answer]);

    //[self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:YES];

qt = 评论 我有以下错误和 app:

 2011-07-20 00:02:04.723 MainMenu[71393:207] -[NSURLCache setAnswer:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x4e29280
    2011-07-20 00:02:04.726 MainMenu[71393:207] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception  NSInvalidArgumentException , reason:  -[NSURLCache setAnswer:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x4e29280 

我不敢肯定我做了什么错误......。 qt等于斜体和案文......


import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface Answer : NSObject {
    //NSString* answerId;
    NSString* answer;
    NSString* questionId;
    NSString* entryId;

//@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* answerId;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* answer;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* questionId;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* entryId;


#import "Answer.h"

@implementation Answer

@synthesize answer, questionId, entryId;


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "Answer.h"

@interface Question : NSObject {
    NSString* qId;
    NSString* qTitle;
    NSString* qNumber;  
    NSString* sectionId;
    NSString* qType;
    Answer* answer;

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* qId;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* qTitle;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* qNumber;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* sectionId;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* qType;
@property (nonatomic, retain) Answer* answer;


@implementation Question
@synthesize qId, qTitle, qNumber, sectionId, qType, answer;

    if (self = [super init])
        // Initialization code here
        answer = [[Answer alloc]init];
    return self;

-(void) dealloc{
    [answer release];
    [super dealloc];


2011-07-20 01:21:04.402 MainMenu[71910:207] <CommentQuestionViewController: 0x4e0b100>
2011-07-20 01:21:04.404 MainMenu[71910:207] <Question: 0x4e55170>
2011-07-20 01:21:04.404 MainMenu[71910:207] (null)


现在我甚至连废。 我的产出只是:

2011-07-20 01:21:04.402 MainMenu[71910:207] <CommentQuestionViewController: 0x4e0b100>
2011-07-20 01:21:04.404 MainMenu[71910:207] <Question: 0x4e55170>

Your custom type Answer does not appear to have a method setAnswer.


[[[questionArray objectAtIndex:currQNum-1] question] answer];

回归标的<代码>Answer (看来是<代码>NSURLCache)的类型,然后检查<代码>answer 财产<代码>。

EDIT:在不公布你的全源代码的情况下解决这一问题,从一开始,行走。 为此,我要回答以下几点:

  1. Of what type is [questionArray objectAtIndex:currQNum-1]?
  2. Of what type is [[questionArray objectAtIndex:currQNum-1] question]?
  3. Of what type is [[[questionArray objectAtIndex:currQNum-1] question] answer]?

或许AnswerNSURLCache的子类。 在您的习俗分组负责人和执行档案中,确保你们确定并撰写了一名名为<代码>-setAnswer:的选任人。 要么,要么确保您在Answere>上,而不是在上刊登。



@implementation Answer

@synthesize answer, questionId, entryId;


应当加以充实。 您是否在<代码>Answer.m上?

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