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How use Instruments and display the console in Command Lines applications [duplicate]

I m using Xcode on OSX to develop command line C applications. I would also like to use Instruments to profile and find memory leaks.

However, I couldn t find a way to display the console when launching the application from within Instruments. I m also unable to attach to a running command line process (it exits with an error):

Here s an example code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <setjmp.h>

static sigjmp_buf jmpbuf;

void handler(int sig) {
    char c[BUFSIZ];

    printf ("Got signal %d
", sig);
    printf ("Deseja sair? (s/n) ");

    fgets(c, sizeof(c), stdin);

    if(c[0] ==  s ) {
    } else {
        siglongjmp(jmpbuf, 1);

int main(void) {
    char buf[BUFSIZ];

    signal(SIGINT, handler);

    sigsetjmp(jmpbuf, 1);

    while(1) {
        fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin);
        printf ("Introduziu: %s
", buf);


Here s the error I got after launching Instruments, and trying to attach to the running process in xcode:

[Switching to process 1475]
[Switching to process 1475]
Error while running hook_stop:
sharedlibrary apply-load-rules all
Error while running hook_stop:
Invalid type combination in ordering comparison.
Error while running hook_stop:
Invalid type combination in ordering comparison.
Error while running hook_stop:
Error while running hook_stop:
Error while running hook_stop:
Error while running hook_stop:
Error while running hook_stop:
Error while running hook_stop:
Error while running hook_stop:

Unable to disassemble __CFInitialize.

Any thoughts?


It s easy. See the screenshot.



It s a little late to contribute to this old thread, however I have found the best way of profiling a command line utility is to use iprofiler (manpage). This allows data to be collected from the command line simply by adding this to the start of the command line:

iprofiler -leaks -d $HOME/tmp

(I have a private temporary directory at $HOME/tmp, so you might need to use /tmp or leave the -d command line option off altogether).

My test scripts automatically add that to the command line if $FINDLEAKS is defined (and will prepend valgrind if running under Linux).

This then generates a .dtps file (actually a directory) which can be loaded and anaylysed using Instruments.

If you are compiling using clang then simply add both -O3 and -g (clang doesn t support the -pg command line option).

You can change the output in the Options dropdown when choosing your target. The output will appear in the system Console (Applications/Utilities/Console).

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