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feather esp32 v2 control nema 17 steep motor, motor not turning just tremble

Im trying to move a nema 17 (12v 0.4A) stepp motor using the pololu a4988 driver and a feather esp32 v2, i did manage to send a signal to the motor, but instead of turning it kinda tremble, like goes back and forth, i did check the motor voltage for the driver, is set to 0.158v (0.4A) the vcc/gnd of the driver goes to the 3,3v/gnd of the esp32 feather, also the vmotor/gnd goes to a sealed batery in order to give 12v(10.8v real).

The program i used is a simple for that switchs from 0 to 1 with a 0.1s intervals also did try to use the mcpwm library from espressif framework, and i get the same result on both programs, not sure whats happening here.

i add a short video about the issue motor video



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