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autosys doesn t run batch file

i wrote a batch file to open a webrowser, then close it, then open another and close it. upon opening the browser it will send email out. when i manually run the batch it works, but when i use autosys to run it, email never got sent. here s the batch file:

@echo off
start iexplore.exe http://localhost/licensedb/Dev/home.php
ping -n 1 -w 20000 > nul
taskkill /im iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe http://localhost/licensedb/Dev/send_mail.php
ping -n 1 -w 10000 > nul
taskkill /im iexplore.exe

Here s the autosys command line:

insert_job: cots_license_tracker   job_type: c 
command: "D:Application Tracking	ext.bat"
machine: computer name
owner: serviceautosys@domain
date_conditions: 1
run_calendar: Bi-weekly_Mondays
start_times: "09:00"
std_out_file: D:logsAutoSyssys\%AUTO_JOB_NAME%.out
std_err_file: D:logsAutoSyssys\%AUTO_JOB_NAME%.err
alarm_if_fail: 0

Sorry if I asked in the wrong place... first time posting here


When defining the command in Autosys, you should either use double quotes around the entire command or escape special characters. You are doing both here - you probably need to use double quotes around everything since there is a space in your command, so try removing the escape character before the colon.

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