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BIOSCOM 指挥 c方案规划
原标题:BIOSCOM command in c programming
  • 时间:2011-07-31 11:56:57
  •  标签:
  • c
  • c++builder

I ve been assigned a project in which I ve to basically read the information from an interface eg:hardware interface like the device through which employees have to swipe their i.d card when they enter the office...and then through the c program written by us, this data has to be sent to the internet spread sheet of a perticular person eg:in this case the boss... I came to know that this information comes to the computer through the com port. but I wanted to know commands in c which will recieve data from com port.. and also how to access the spreadsheet of the internet thru c commands...

I thought that the 2nd part i.e sending info to spreadsheet can be sent by considering the spreadsheet as a file.... is it possible? If yes how?

I tried few programs that I found in internet, though I have BIOS.h header file, it s showing no reference to BIOSCOM command. What do I do? I m working with borland compiler in windows32.


我只剩下了一个工作,我在那里使用Borland C++ Buildinger 5,为期4.5年。 我不知道你使用什么版本的博兰,但既然你提到Win32,你可以使用ReadFile 。 DCB Comm structure改为COM港的数据。 该网站 rel=“nofollow”>与Borland C++ Buildinger的空中通信将帮助你以简单例子说明如何做到这一点。

就向电子表格书写数据而言,从数据库来看,这种数据似乎很少谨慎,但可以通过通信接口与微软办公室进行互动。 您可使用视频演播室撰写一部COM DLL。 互联网,然后使“COM”功能可见于如此年长的汇编者(例如Borland C++ Buildinger 5)能够利用。 互联网的功能。 这样做可能比试图在Borland C++建筑商直接实施COMInterop更为容易。

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