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Reactive Java: change window size at runtime

I have a Flux emitting items every 1 seconds, on repeat. How can I change the window size dynamically?

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
    Duration interval = Duration.ofSeconds(1);

    Flux<String> flux = Flux.just("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J");
            // on each emit from the publisher,
            // a batch of a dynamic size is read
            // could be just 1 item, 3 items, or even more
            // since we only emit every 1 second
            // the window size changes over time
            .doOnNext(batch -> {
                log.info("Processed batch: " + batch + " at " + System.currentTimeMillis());


private static int calcWindowSize() {
    // this calculation is a little more complex in reality
    // so let s just use some random int here
    return RandomUtils.nextInt(1, 10);

The code above is NOT working but hopefully illustrates what I want to achieve. I tried using windowWhen but don t understand its syntax. If I cannot dynamically change the window size, can I recreate the Flux maybe and continue from where I left on the second before?



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