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J Query Ajax and concatenatedstring
原标题:JQuery Ajax and concatenated string

I`m trying to do an Ajax Request but for some reason it wont accept my concatenated string. When the query should have some parameters it leaves them out and makes GET call.


        var queryString = "";
        var separator = "?";

        for (param in config.query) {
            queryString = queryString.concat(separator, param, "=", config.query[param]);
            separator = "&";

        var url = config.url + queryString;

            url : url,

The only reason I can think is that your QueryString is not properly encoded.
Try this

queryString = queryString.concat(separator, param, "=", encodeURIComponent(config.query[param]));

Try to see if the content inside url after this line var url = config.url + queryString; add alert(url); see if the content is what you need it to be


var queryString = "";
var separator = "";

for (param in config.query) {
    queryString = queryString.concat(separator, param, "=", config.query[param]);
    separator = "&";

    url: config.url,
    data: queryString,

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