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Virtual Tour using sketch up, ajax, flash technologies

I want to know if there are existing technology that make your 3d models in sketch into virtual tours, using either Ajax or Flash for web presentation.

If there s none, which will be a good approach in creating a virtual tour? Flash or Ajax?


If you are already comfortable in flash, i would recommend Papervision 3D . If your re not already comfortable in flash, or silverlight, or Unity 3D i would recommend creating your virtual tour as a set of rendered videos. It is going to take a lot of time and learning to create a virtual tour application in interactive 3D from scratch. That being said, any one of the above technologies is a good bet.


Flash s 3D capabilities are severely limited; You might get better results with Silverlight (by coding a reader for sketchup models to a 3D scene) or Unity3D s plugin (by exporting the model from sketchup and importing into their toolchain).

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Virtual Tour using sketch up, ajax, flash technologies

I want to know if there are existing technology that make your 3d models in sketch into virtual tours, using either Ajax or Flash for web presentation. If there s none, which will be a good approach ...

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