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原标题:Should the Double Check Lock pattern be used with ReaderWriteLockSlim?


Consider this scenario: I have a dictionary. Things can be added to it. But things can t be removed from it. When things are added, it can be a very expensive operation in terms of time (only hundreds of milliseconds, but still costly relative to the rest of the app) If I wanted to add something and it wasn t already there, would there be anything to gain by:

  1. first acquiring a read lock, then checking for existence,
  2. then entering an upgradable read lock, and checking again,
  3. then entering a write lock if the item is still not present in the dictionary?


void populateIfNotPresent( object thing )
        _lock.EnterReadLock( ) ;

        bool there = _dictionary.ContainsKey(thing);

        _lock.ExitReadLock( ) ;

        // Remember, the specs say nothing can be removed from this dictionary.
        if (!there)
            _lock.EnterUpgradeableReadLock( ) ;

                if( !_dictionary.ContainsKey( thing ) )
                    _lock.EnterWriteLock( ) ;
                        populate( thing ) ;
                        _lock.ExitWriteLock( ) ;
                _lock.ExitUpgradeableReadLock( ) ;


你认为什么? 难道这种高技能吗?



价值多少? 如果你想看到许多海滩,那么,可以发挥可加固的锁子的作用;然而,如果你回,而不是,期望看到大量海滩,那么你会再做不必要的锁。 总的来说,我要谈谈找到工作的最简单的解决办法。 优化锁,通常不是你会为你的面包 the获得最大的香料,而是寻找更多的东西,首先优化。

Something that might give you a lot more bang for your buck is a Striped Dictionary (
Java s StripedMap is a pretty good place to start and it shouldn t be very hard to understand).

<代码>的基本概念 缩略语 你们有一系列的锁:

object[] syncs = new object[n]();
// also create n new objects

你们应该用足够多的脱光线来脱下你的地图,以便允许你在不相撞的情况下进入该方法的深层。 我没有任何数据可以证实这一点,但恳请你们再看着多达8条read子进入地图,那么你可能使用8个或更多的锁,以确保所有8个read子能够同时进入地图。 如果你想要更好的“保险”来对付“col”,那么就会产生更多的 strip,即32或64。


void populateIfNotPresent( object thing )

Suppose You have 8 artes, now You re granted up to 8 threads to safe into and do an cost operation, which would have otherwise prevent the other 7 threads. 当然,假设洗衣功能足够坚固,可以减少重复的可能性。

您已经期望<代码>populateIf notpresent 昂贵,但是如果你有一条脱节的字典,那么你可以就各个字典不同部门进行多方面的校对工作,而不相互影响。 这将给你带来更大的好处,使万国邮联的多个周期从检查是否存在物体时起步,因为昂贵的操作是在标的<>印有<时。

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