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贾瓦的“ Python”等同物是什么?
原标题:What is the Python equivalent of Comparables in Java?
  • 时间:2011-08-05 09:54:06
  •  标签:
  • python


{ <Category( Simulate ,  False ,  False ,  False ,  INTERMEDIATE )>: { link : u /story/4/tvb-adapters-simulator-simulatorAdapter/SimulatorAdapter ,  name : u Simulate }, 
  <Category( View Results ,  True ,  False ,  True ,  INTERMEDIATE )>: { link :  /story/step/3 ,  name : u View Results }, 
  <Category( Analyze ,  True ,  False ,  False ,  FINAL )>: { link :  /story/step/2 ,  name : u Analyze }}

类别是一个类别,代表数据库的一个实例。 现在我有以下例子:

    <Category( Analyze ,  True ,  False ,  False ,  FINAL )>

现在情况并非如此。 因此,我从数据库中获取所有价值,并创建词典。 之后,我得到一个id,并从数据库中取回了这个例子。 现在,它们不是同一个目标。 现在我必须检查一下这是否在独裁者,但:

instance in disctionary

否则就不实。 现在,如果所有价值观都相符,我可以直截了当,听从独裁检查,但沙尔这样做的路程会越紧? 我指的是 Java可比的东西?


首先:使用<代码>True和(False(boolean property)而不是 页: 1 False (string nature).

Generally, you can make everything comparable in Python. You just have to define specific methods (like __eq__, __lt__, etc.) for your class.


class A(object):
    def __init__(self, s=  ):
        self.s = s

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.s.lower() == other.s.lower()

a = A( aaaa )
b = A( AAAA )
print a == b # prints True
b = A( bbbb )
print a == b # prints False

Instead of using instances of Category (e.g. Category( Analyze , True , False , False , FINAL )) as the keys in your dictionary, it sounds like you should be using the associated tuple (e.g. ( Analyze , True , False , False , FINAL )).

If you really do want to use instance of Category as the keys in the dictionary, you ll need to define both the __hash__ and __eq__ methods. For example:

class Category(object):
    def __init__(self,*args):
    def __hash__(self):
        # Note that this assumes that Category s hash value is immutable
        # i.e. self.args does not change.
        return hash(self.args)
    def __eq__(self,other):
        return self.args == other.args

a=Category( Analyze ,  True ,  False ,  False ,  FINAL )
b=Category( Analyze ,  True ,  False ,  False ,  FINAL )



assert id(a) != id(b)
assert hash(a)==hash(b)


# 1
# 1

PS。 http://docs.python.org/release/3.0.1/whatsnew/3.0.html#ordering-comparisons”rel=“nofollow”

The cmp() function should be treated as gone, and the __cmp__() special method is no longer supported. Use __lt__() for sorting, __eq__() with __hash__(), and other rich comparisons as needed.

由于你显然能够把你的类别事例列入一个字典,你必须拥有已经过时的“条码”_hash_。 现在需要的是<代码>_eq__:

class Category(object):
    # you must have overwritten `__hash__` like this already
    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((self.attr1, self.attr2, ... ))

    # now you just need tis
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, Category) and 
               (self.attr1, self.attr2, ... ) == (other.attr1, other.attr2, ... )


Category = collections.namedtuple( Category ,  attr1 attr2 attr3 )


<in和其他工作比较操作者,必须执行_hash__cmp__。 (或_eq_等“浓缩”比较方法。) 见。 Zhu reference

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