English 中文(简体)
添加Zentd_Form_Element_ 通过控制器挑选
原标题:Problem adding options to Zend_Form_Element_Select through controller


    $parentId = $this -> createElement( select ,  parent_id );
    $parentId -> setLabel("Select a parent menu:")
                -> setRequired(true);
    $parentId->addMultiOption(0,  None );

Its option have to loaded as per the value passed from the query String or URL. So, in my controller I fetched the values I required from the url and loaded extra item to the element, using following code

private function renderParentElement($menu_id, $parent = 0) {
    $mapper = $this -> mapper();
    $select = $mapper -> select();
    $select -> where("parent = ?", $parent)
            -> where("menu_id = ?", $menu_id);
    $menus = $mapper -> fetchAll($select);
    if($menus -> count() > 0) {
        foreach($menus as $menu) {
            $this -> form() -> getElement( parent_id ) -> addMultiOption($menu -> id, $menu -> label);


public function addAction()
    $menu = $this->_request->getParam( menu );

        $mapperMenu = new Application_Model_Mapper_Menu();
        $this -> view -> menu = $mapperMenu -> find($menu);

        if($this -> _request -> isPost() && $this -> form() -> isValid($_POST)) {
            $data = $this -> form() -> getValues();
            $menuItem = $this -> model();
            $menuItem -> setParent($data[ parent ]);
            $menuItem -> setMenu_id($data[ menu_id ]);
            $menuItem -> setLabel($data[ label ]);
            $menuItem -> setLink($data[ link ]);
            $menuItem -> setPage_id($data[ page_id ]);
            $this -> mapper() -> save($menuItem);

            $this -> _request -> setParam( menu , $data[ menu_id ]);
            $this -> _forward( index );
        $this -> form() -> populate(array( menu_id  => $menu));
        $this -> renderParentElement($menu, 0);
        $this->view->form = $this -> form();

Now everything thing was working fine. The elements were loaded correctly and displaying correctly as well. But when I submitted it, the select box gives error as 1 is not found is the haystack, here 1 is the value of the item i selected, which is loaded from the controller.



From what I see you have no values in your element before you call isValid

$this->renderParentElement($menu, 0);
// you have to set the options in the form before you validate it
if($this->_request->isPost() && $this->form()->isValid($_POST)) { ... }



当你提交一种表格时,泽德试图与你选择的盒子中的价值相对应。 这一错误告诉你,在选择中找不到价值1的选项。 你们需要做的是,在你打电话之前,重新播种你选择的箱子。

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