English 中文(简体)
利用Ftpwebrequest上载固定宽度,PRN文档到主机。 每一记录均缩为80个。
原标题:Using Ftpwebrequest to upload fixed width .PRN file to Mainframe. Each record is truncated to 80 characters

I m利用偷窃网点将一些档案上载到我们拥有的旧主机系统(MPE/IX)。

The file is a .prn file and essentially has many records which are fixed width and no delimiter. Each record is 176 characters long, and has a CRLF at the end.





    Public Sub Main()
    Dim i As Integer = 1
    Dim credential As NetworkCredential

        EmailList = ReadEmailAddress()
        credential = New NetworkCredential("USERNAME", String.Empty)
        FileList.AddRange({"CAN04_30030_", "CAN04_34120_", "CSI01_30030_", "CSI01_34120_"})

        For Each FileName In FileList
            Dim File As FileInfo
            Dim Response As ArrayList

                File = New FileInfo(IO.Path.Combine(SourceFileFolder, FileName & Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") & ".prn"))

                If File.Exists Then
                    Response = ftp.Upload(File, "ftp://SERVERNAME/FILENAME" & i, credential)
                    UploadResults.Add("<font color=""red"">" & File.Name & " was not found in the folder " & SourceFileFolder & "</font>")
                End If

                If Not Response Is Nothing Then
                    If Response(0) = 226 Then ArchiveFile(File)
                End If

            Catch ex As Exception
                UploadResults.Add("<font color=""red"">" & ex.Message & " occurred while trying to upload the file " & File.Name & "</font>")
                File = Nothing
                Response = Nothing
            End Try

            i += 1

    Catch ex As Exception

        credential = Nothing
    End Try

End Sub  

Public Function Upload(ByVal File As FileInfo, ByVal target As String, ByVal credential As NetworkCredential) As ArrayList
    Dim AList As New ArrayList

        request = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(target), FtpWebRequest)

        With request
            .Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile
            .UsePassive = True
            .Credentials = credential
            .KeepAlive = False
            .UseBinary = False
        End With

        Dim sourceStream As StreamReader = New StreamReader(File.FullName, True)
        Dim filecontents() As Byte = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sourceStream.ReadToEnd)
        request.ContentLength = filecontents.Length

        Dim stream As Stream = request.GetRequestStream
        stream.Write(filecontents, 0, filecontents.Length)

        response = DirectCast(request.GetResponse, FtpWebResponse)

        Dim t() As String = Split(target, "/")

        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try

        If response.StatusCode = 226 Then
            AList.Add(File.Name & " (" & t(t.GetUpperBound(0)) & ") " & " was transferred to " & UCase(credential.UserName) & " [<i>" & Split(response.StatusDescription, ".")(0) & "</i>]")
            AList.Add(File.Name & " (" & t(t.GetUpperBound(0)) & ") " & " was NOT transferred to " & UCase(credential.UserName) & " [<i>" & Split(response.StatusDescription, ".")(0) & "</i>]")
        End If

    Catch ex As Exception
        AList.Add(File.Name & " was NOT transferred.  " & ex.Message.ToString)
        request = Nothing
        response = Nothing
        File = Nothing
    End Try
    Return AList
End Function

查阅到档案名称结尾处的有<代码>;rec=-176。 类似情况:

Response = ftp.Upload(File, "ftp://SERVERNAME/FILENAME" & i & ";rec=-176", credential)


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