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不能装载档案或组装 Antlr3.Runtime.dll
原标题:Could not load file or assembly Antlr3.Runtime.dll

We were using TeamCity for our Build server, .Net Framework 4 and ASP.NET MVC2 and NHibernate Our build server recently went offline thanks to Amazon EC2 issue recently. We are setting a new build server up.


ResGen error RG0000: Could not load referenced assembly "C:TeamCityuildAgentwork1e7706dcd512f467xxxLibAntlr3.Runtime.dll".  Caught a FileLoadException saying "Could not load file or assembly  C:TeamCityuildAgentwork1e7706dcd512f467xxxLibAntlr3.Runtime.dll  or one of its dependencies. Provider DLL failed to initialize correctly. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8009001D)".

鉴于DL文件与其他必要的DLLs一同存在。 任何解决办法?


有时,事情在某个特定建筑代理人内开始产生错误。 在我之前,我与这一问题进行了斗争,但是在我的案件中,/code>在DLs之一上拥有一个锁,因此TeamCity无法超出标准。


  • Try to force Cleanup
  • Try to remove build working folder "C:TeamCityuildAgentwork1e7706dcd512f467" so at the next build TeamCity will be forced to grab all files

I found a reference to error code 0x8009001D on the Microsoft Support site here.

This problem occurs if you modified the MountedDevices registry value to change the boot drive letter assignment or the system drive letter assignment.

Workaround for error code 0x8009001d

To resolve this problem, you must remove the whole contents of the MountedDevices registry key. This key is located in the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMMountedDevices For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 223188 How to change the system/boot drive letter in Windows 2000 You cannot modify the MountedDevices registry key in Windows XP because there are many hard-coded paths to the C:Windows drive. These hard-coded paths may not load. Then, that behavior provokes the WPA-related error code.

我从来不 into,但希望这将有助于。


  1. comment-out the line <package id="Antlr" version="" targetFramework="net45"/> from the file packages.config.
  2. recompile and run -> no problems appear
  3. make the line <package id="Antlr" version="" targetFramework="net45"/> active again.


今天我有同样的问题。 在综合应用系统应用组合中,预设环境将“可使用32条轨道应用”环境变为现实

这也发生在一揽子计划所列集会时。 集体档案与项目内提及的集会分立。 如果情况如此,那么一揽子方案就只是从一揽子计划中删除。 该项目没有提及,然后重建项目或解决办法。

包装材料......包装。 不管DL与你一样,它有时也帮助更新他们。 理由: 你可能只是掌握一些Windows的更新或(Windows本身就是这样),这使得你的新拼凑与你的项目中的旧的DLLs不符。 第1So号步骤进入了各种工具与“;Nuget Program Manager > Managere Nuget Packs for Solutions > Updates > Update All (Usually the Best Options :-) 。 并且oh等......如果你重犯这一错误:Nuget.exe Install——微软。 CSharp已经依赖系统。 之后,第一(步骤2)更新了你的NUGET一揽子管理人员: 工具与开发; 推广和增订; 更新和开发; 视像演播室; 在NuGet >进行更新; 重新启动VS。 Rerun Step 1. Good luck! (VSroom2013)

a. 视力演播室:->tools->

a. 在包裹管理人员类型中

PM>install- Package antlr 和大打进入

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