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原标题:Parsing XML in C#

I am still working on a project and I am enjoying it greatly.

I wanted to see if I could implement a live updating feed using XML

当时,我甚至知道如何将这种特殊类型的XML混为一谈,因为我发现的所有辅导都是为了灌输 no的价值观等。


<Object name="ObjectName" type="ObjectType" size="ObjectSize" image="ObjectImage" />

如果说你的话,我能帮助我了解如何从那条 no子中获取一些内容,那将是令人惊讶的,如果仅作一个小小的解释,我就不明白了。 我知道,如何用XElement教导这种宗教。


I just cant seem to parse the example at the top, I dont mind if its Linq as long as it is in C#, maybe tell me why you would chose one over the other? Also have you got any idea on how to perhaps check if the file has changed, so I could implement a live update?

感谢您 帮助



The example at the high use attributes und sub-elements, but it s same srange to work with:

XElement element = XElement.Parse(xml);
string name = (string) element.Attribute("name");
string type = (string) element.Attribute("type");
string size = (string) element.Attribute("size");
string image = (string) element.Attribute("image");

我通常倾向于使用explicit string 2007,,而不是Value/code> 财产。 如您在<代码>null参考资料上进行转换,则您仅以null代替NullReferenceException。 当然,如果为遗嘱缺失而编制方案ror,那么例外情况更为合适,而 property则罚款。 (同样逻辑也适用于按行文转换<代码>XElement值。)



public class Item
   public string Name { get; set; }
   public string Type { get; set; }
   public string Size { get; set; }
   public string Image { get; set; }


XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Item));
Item item = (Item)ser.Deserialize(someXmlStream);


也可使用<代码>XEelment.FirstAttribute,以获得该要素的第一个属性,然后取到XAttribute。 下面的Attribute,以便通过它们。 这并不取决于你知道存在这种特性。

XAttribute attribute = element.FirstAttribute;
while (attribute != null)
    // Do stuff
    attribute = attribute.NextAttribute`

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