- Goal: Demo activity displays list of String items in a list
- Dev. environment: Eclipse, android emulator as device
- Implementation: When activity is created, it stores String items from array defined in a xml resource file, and creates binding to ListView object via ArrayAdapter
在我开始申请时,一切都做了罚款。 清单载有预期的项目。
Issue: However, I decided to change the values in the array definition in the xml file, and also the name of the array.
自然,我改变了从xml文档到法典中的新版本阵列名称的所有发生。 现在,我
What should I reset so the changes of the values become visible?
So far, I tried this:
- application in emulator manually uninstalled, and then installed again via Run
- started emulator manually with option wipe user data checked
- Eclipse restart