在pple网站和整个互联网上查阅(已过期)的插手和姿态 j片活动文件时,我可以提供帮助,但指出,在被称作职务期间返回的姿态活动只包含价值观规模和轮换。 我是否错过了东西,还是只恢复了两个价值观?
It s hard to see the values of a returned object on the iPhone as they are annoyingly only shown as their type and name. e.g when logging the returned object in the console, it just shows up as [object TouchEvent] .
我试图实现的是,一旦发生两只inger子wi子时,就将发挥功能,然后把 s子放在左边还是右边,相应地改变这一页。
Does anyone know if the object returned is just the scale and rotation, and if so, do you know how I can get the same effect with the touchevent instead?