原文:How to make ontounchend in document return true in WebView2
does anybody knows if there is a workaround for using long touch with DotNet MAUI? In my legacy app build with Xamarin, i was using xct:TouchEffect.LongPressCommand. As far as i know there is a wip in ...
我是机器人初学者。 我想在图像上检测具体位置, 从而触发各自触碰的函数。 不同的移动密度不同, 这样我就不能用像素来触发...
我想作一小.。 你将触及屏幕并提取一些东西,并将列出你通过的要点,并为第5点各选取小块绿色3x3 rec。 我用在TouchEvent上列名......
I want to change the image (that I get from a web url) in my ImageView when I touch the left or right of the screen. I tried using a TouchListener but I get an error about dispatchTouchEvent. Using a ...
looking at the (quite outdated) documentation on the apple website and across the internet for the touch and gesture javascript events, I can t help but notice that the gesture event which is returned ...