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Flyway output to SQL File
  • 时间:2011-08-18 14:00:39
  •  标签:
  • flyway

Is it possible to output the db migration to an SQL file instead of directly invoking database changes in flyway?


I didnt find a way. Switched to mybatis migration. Looks quite nice.


Most times this will not be needed as with Flyway the DB migrations themselves will already be written in SQL.

Yes it s possible and as far as I am concerned the feature is an absolute must for DBAs who don t want to allow flyway in prod.

I made do with modifying code from here, it s a dry run command for flyway, you can add a filewriter and write out migrationDetails:


I did it like so... Project structure (just copied it out of killbill s project and renamed package to flywaydr:


In Migrator.java add (implement callback and put it in DbMigrateWithDryRun.java) :

  } else if ("dryRunMigrate".equals(operation)) {
      MigrationInfoCallback mcb = new MigrationInfoCallback();
      MigrationInfoImpl[] migrationDetails = mcb.getPendingMigrationDetails();


Then to write stuff to file something like:

private static void writeMasterScriptToFile(MigrationInfoImpl[] migrationDetails){

    FileWriter fw = null;
        String masterScriptLoc="path/to/file";

        fw = new FileWriter(masterScriptLoc);
        LOG.info("Writing output to " + masterScriptLoc);
        for (final MigrationInfoImpl migration : migrationDetails){
             Path file =Paths.get(migration.getResolvedMigration().getPhysicalLocation());
             //if you want to copy actual script files parsed by flyway
             Files.copy(file, Paths.get(new StringBuilder(scriptspathloc).append(File.separator).append(file.getFileName().toString()).toString()), REPLACE_EXISTING);

             //or just get the sql
             for (final SqlStatement sqlStatement : sqlStatements) {  
    } catch(Exception e){
            LOG.error("Could not write to file, io exception was thrown.",e);
    } finally{
            try{fw.close();}catch(Exception e){LOG.error("Could not close file writer.",e);}


One last thing to mention, I compile and package this into a jar "with dependencies" (aka fatjar) via maven (google assembly plugin + jar with dependencies) and run it via command like below or you can include it as a dependency and call it via mvn exec:exec goal, which is something I had success with as well.

$ java -jar /path/to/flywaydr-fatjar.jar dryRunMigrate -regular.flyway.configs -etc -etc  

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