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使用Haskell monads
原标题:When to use Haskell monads

• 在Haskell实施综合优化算法:

Given an initial candidate solution, repeat until stopping criteria are met:

  1. Determine possible moves
  2. Evaluate possible moves
  3. Choose a move
  4. Make move, record new candidate solution, update search state

我可以写出第1-4级步骤的职能,并将它们合并到休养职能中,以便处理 lo和从一种迭代到另一种状态,但我有一种含糊的想法,即mon素适用。



The best way to express this sort of iterative procedure in Haskell is as an infinite list of each successive result. Piecing together your four steps yields a notion of a function from a solution to a different (better) solution; all you need to do is apply this infinitely many times. The user of your function can then use any list function to get the answer: solve s0 !! numIterations, or find stoppingCondition $ solve s0, or whatever you want.


  1. moves :: Solution -> [Move]
    Given a possible solution, figure out the possible changes you can make.
  2. value :: Solution -> Move -> Double
    Given a solution and a move, evaluate it and record that value as some real number.
  3. choose :: Solution -> [Move] -> Move
    Given a solution and a list of moves, pick the best one.
  4. apply :: Solution -> Move -> Solution
    Given a move, apply it to an existing solution to get a new one.

您想写一份像<代码>等类型的职务。 解决办法-> (Solution -> Bool)-> Solutions,其中采用初步解决办法,并为执行你的算法规定一个停止条件。

相反,请将此列入一个明确清单;这意味着你只是删除了上线,并填写了<代码>。 解决方案-> [Solution]。

import Data.Ord
import Data.List

-- moves, value, and apply are domain-specific
choose :: Solution -> [Move] -> Move
choose s ms = maximumBy (comparing $ value s) ms

solve :: Solution -> [Solution]
solve = iterate $ s -> apply s . choose s $ moves s

此处的关键是<代码>iterate * (a->a)-> a-> [a],其中反复将功能应用到价值上,并给你结果——实际上是对你的算法的描述。


import Data.Ord
import Data.List

solve :: Ord o => (s -> [m]) -> (s -> m -> o) -> (s -> m -> s) -> s -> [s]
solve moves value apply = iterate step
  where step   s = apply s . choose s $ moves s
        choose s = maximumBy (comparing $ value s)

这样做的好处是,你可以重新利用这个相同的通用结构来any 问题领域。 你们需要做的是提供<条码>第<0>>>>、<条码>、<> 数值/代码>和<条码>应用功能! 视我的情绪,我可以改写如下:

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Ord
import Data.List

solve :: Ord o => (s -> [m]) -> (s -> m -> o) -> (s -> m -> s) -> s -> [s]
solve moves value apply = iterate step
  where step   = (.) <$> apply <*> choose <*> moves
        choose = maximumBy . comparing . value

在此,我们使用参考性通知说,我们实际上只是在<条码>(......)中选择移动(即<条码>适用,选择移动<条/条码>),条件是这些功能中的每一功能都隐含地通过一个参数<条码>(<>条/条码>)(读者参考)。 如果我们真的想把事情打上钩,我们就可以写一下。

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Ord
import Data.List

solve :: Ord o => (s -> [m]) -> (s -> m -> o) -> (s -> m -> s) -> s -> [s]
solve moves value apply =
  iterate $ (.) <$> apply <*> maximumBy . comparing . value <*> moves

任何这些信条都将完全满足你们的需要。 (但:在你的任何职能中,没有任何影响/mon,因此是随机性的。) 不过,你使这一术语容易。

但是,就cks而言,请考虑State monad。 这代表了某种环境的计算,因此,<代码> State s a iso吗?code>s -> (a,s) - something which can see the state and potential update it. 这里,您的职能签名左边的所有<代码>Solution ->s都将消失,-> Solutionss on the right。 这将使你与你一道工作。

  1. moves :: State Solution [Move]
  2. value :: Move -> State Solution Double
  3. choose :: [Move] -> State Solution Move
  4. apply :: Move -> State Solution ()


import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Ord
import Data.List

choose :: [Move] -> State Solution Move
choose = let val m = do v <- value m
                        return (m,v)
         in fst . maximumBy (comparing snd) <$> mapM val ms

step :: State Solution ()
step = apply =<< choose =<< moves

You could make this more point-free, or make it polymorphic just as above, but I won t do that here. The point is that once you have step, you can generate answers with runState . last $ replicateM_ numIterations step, or given a whileM function, runState $ whileM (stoppingCondition :: State Solution Bool) step. Again, the user can decide how to stop it. Your moves and value functions would probably query the state with get :: State s s; apply would probably use modify :: (s -> s) -> State s () to tweak the state without needing to pull it back out. You can see the similarity with the structure from above in these types; and in fact, you can see that structure in the definition of step, as well. Each one says "string together apply, choose/value, and moves", which is the definition of your algorithm.

这两者的带回家的讯息是,你想要避免明显的 lo/入侵,正如你正确意识到的那样。 如果你认为有必要考虑这一算法,那么State monad似乎是一种自然结构,因为它掩盖了你所想的这些必要特征。 然而,它已经缩小了:例如,一切已经变成了 mo,而且——最重要的是——除<条码>外的其他功能——能够改变所节省的解决办法。 如果您认为这一算法是每当得出new<>>>,那么你就会获得的概念。 解决办法-> Solutions,从中可使用iterate,以获得一份完整的清单。


http://hackage.haskell.org/ Packages/archive/mtl/>。

import Control.Monad.State

type SearchState = ...
type Move = ...
type Fitness = ...

determineMoves :: State SearchState [Move]
determineMoves = do
  -- since determineMoves is in the State monad, we can grab the state here
  st <- get

evaluateMoves :: [Move] -> [(Move, Fitness)]
evaluateMoves = ...

chooseMove :: [(Move, Fitness)] -> Move
chooseMove = ...

-- makeMove is not itself monadic, but operates on the SearchState
-- type we re threading through with the State monad
makeMove :: Move -> SearchState -> SearchState
makeMove m st = ...

loop :: State SearchState ()
loop = do
  moves <- determineMoves
  let candidates = evaluateMoves moves
      move = chooseMove candidates
  -- we pass a function (SearchState -> SearchState) to modify in 
  -- order to update the threaded SearchState
  modify (makeMove move)

通知说,尽管你的主要计算方法属于国家mon,但并非每个组成部分都属于mon。 此处,evaluate Moves and chooseMove are non-monadic, and I ve used let,以显示如何将它们明确纳入do栏。 如果你对这一风格感到安慰,那么你很可能希望使用<代码><$> (aka fmap)和功能构成更简明扼要:

loop :: State SearchState ()
loop = do
  move <- (chooseMove . evaluateMoves) <$> determineMoves
  modify (makeMove move)

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