I am doing problem 61 at project Euler and came up with the following code (to test the case they give):
p3 n = n*(n+1) `div` 2
p4 n = n*n
p5 n = n*(3*n -1) `div` 2
p6 n = n*(2*n -1)
p7 n = n*(5*n -3) `div` 2
p8 n = n*(3*n -2)
x n = take 2 $ show n
x2 n = reverse $ take 2 $ reverse $ show n
pX p = dropWhile (< 999) $ takeWhile (< 10000) [p n|n<-[1..]]
isCyclic2 (a,b,c) = x2 b == x c && x2 c == x a && x2 a == x b
ns2 = [(a,b,c)|a <- pX p3 , b <- pX p4 , c <- pX p5 , isCyclic2 (a,b,c)]
And all ns2
does is return an empty list, yet cyclic2
with the arguments given as the example in the question, yet the series doesn t come up in the solution. The problem must lie in the list comprehension ns2
but I can t see where, what have I done wrong?
Also, how can I make it so that the pX
only gets the pX (n)
up to the pX used in the previous pX
PS: in case you thought I completely missed the problem, I will get my final solution with this:
isCyclic (a,b,c,d,e,f) = x2 a == x b && x2 b == x c && x2 c == x d && x2 d == x e && x2 e == x f && x2 f == x a
ns = [[a,b,c,d,e,f]|a <- pX p3 , b <- pX p4 , c <- pX p5 , d <- pX p6 , e <- pX p7 , f <- pX p8 ,isCyclic (a,b,c,d,e,f)]
answer = sum $ head ns