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NSMenu 模拟活动
原标题:NSMenu s mouse over event


statusItem = [[[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar] statusItemWithLength:18] retain]; [statusItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"myIcon"]]; [statusItem setMenu:myMenu]; [statusItem setHighlightMode:NO]; ...

It works fine by start clicking its image icon. But I noticed that apple s menu located on status bar can be triggered simple by mouse move over, like the airport menu, power menu, language menu and date/time menu. They are all auto pop up when you mouse walk over. How did they get it?

I have checked the "add tracking rect" for NSView with "mouseEntered" event, but things is not as difficult as that I think.



我认为现状 项目不是一个支持的改变活动,但你可以确定现状。 项目,并推翻甚至支持 mo变活动的方法,就像此:

statusItem = [[[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar] statusItemWithLength:NSSquareStatusItemLength] retain];
  NSButton *nb = [[NSButton alloc] init]; 
  [nb setImage:image];
  [nb setAction:@selector(statusItemClick:)];  
  [_statusItem setView:nb];

here just an example to set a view to statusitem, if you want to support the mouse event , your view must extend same view and create NSTrackingArea and implement the moveMoved, mouseEntered and mouseExited methods (or whichever ones you want)

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