P.S. 跨越这一平水,我找不到任何东西可以在因特网上读到,并且开始认为,就这种事情而言,比“相互参照”更合适。 什么时候?
- I have two models/business services.
- Semantically first domain (A) is CRM with sell/maintenance process for our goods, second domain (B) is "design" data of our goods. We have two view points on our goods: from seller perspective and from engineer perspective.
- Actually each model is effective ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) tool to the same database.
- There are some inter-domain activities e.g. validations (e.g. sometimes we can sell things to smb. only if some engineering rules are valid).
从开发商的观点看,我有两种明确的可能性(A中的参考B或创建新的交叉参照领域/服务C)。 但从设计者角度看,我对我从两个不同领域形成业务逻辑时拥有何种商业服务失去了理解。