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Best resource for learning and seeing examples of Behavior Driven Development (BDD)

I am trying to creating Cucumber/Gerkin BDD Feature and Scenario descriptions, and am seeking examples just at the domain specific language. In particular, examples and suggestions to make sure I cam covering corner conditions, clear examples so we are following best practices and approaches, to make sure both developers and BA s are putting together specifications that make most sense and are easily understood as we bring on new folks based on a set of learning materials (e.g. books or websites).



I might start here and here for Cucumber.



DDD - Returning entity in response to a service operation

I am new to domain driven development & have a simple question. If a service needs to generate some entity as a response to an operation then how should it be done? One of the ways is to inject ...

Domain Driven Design efforts in dynamic languages? [closed]

Are you aware of any DDD efforts in a dynamic language ? Practical resources on DDD tend to decrease quite dramatically when straying from enterprise-oriented solutions (a google search exluding C#, ....

Accessing domain objects in the view

If I don t want to expose the internal state of my Domain Objects, but I need to display them, I can think of three approaches. Which of these is the most "correct" (if any?). The "DTO/ViewModel ...

DDD screen cast question?

I wathced a screen cast on DDD by Greg Young the other day which spoke about persisting all state transitions of an object, instead of it s state when saved, then to load it "replay" all these ...

How to fluent-map this (using fluent nhibernate)?

I have two tables in my database "Styles" and "BannedStyles". They have a reference via the ItemNo. Now styles can be banned per store. So if style x is banned at store Y then its very possible that ...
