create view TagCounts
with schemabinding
as select TagId, count_big(*) as Occurances
from dbo.ArticleTags
group by TagId;
create unique clustered index cdxTagCounts on TagCounts (TagId);
Now the TagCounts.Occurances
field is automatically maintained by SQL Server whenever you insert/delete/update the Articles
table. You can query it like:
select Occurances from dbo.TagCounts with (noexpand) where TagId = ...;
And you can cache the result with LinqToCache, as such a query matches the restrictions of Query Notifications.
The trade off of using a pre-aggregated indexed view is scalability: as update of any article updates the count of Occurances for the tags of the article, an exclusive lock is required to update this count. Which implies that only one transaction can use a TagId at any moment. Depending on your traffic and on other elements of your design this restriction may or may not be acceptable.
The other alternative is a table of counts. Front ends (your ASP.Net farm) read this counts and then they update the in-memory count for each operation, keeping track of the delta from the counts in the table. Periodically the front ends merge their deltas into the table (eg. every 5 minutes) and refresh the in-memory table. This way front ends see a stale version of the truth, but an user sees immediate feedback of its actions: because of session stickiness his HTTP requests are processed by the same front end, and thus he see immediately his own article updates triggering modifications to the tag counts. User though do no immediately see the updates from other users that are load-balanced to another front end. Because a crash of the front end (or a process recycle...) will loose the deltas kept so far, the count table will drift in time away from the truth and would have to be periodically updated to the true count in the database.