I m trying to export some tables from SQL Server 2005 and then create those tables and populate them in Oracle.
I have about 10 tables, varying from 4 columns up to 25. I m not using any constraints/keys so this should be reasonably straight forward.
Firstly I generated scripts to get the table structure, then modified them to conform to Oracle syntax standards (ie changed the nvarchar to varchar2)
Next I exported the data using SQL Servers export wizard which created a csv flat file. However my main issue is that I can t find a way to force SQL Server to double quote column names. One of my columns contains commas, so unless I can find a method for SQL server to quote column names then I will have trouble when it comes to importing this.
Also, am I going the difficult route, or is there an easier way to do this?
EDIT: By quoting I m refering to quoting the column values in the csv. For example I have a column which contains addresses like
101 High Street, Sometown, Some county, PO5TC053
Without changing it to the following, it would cause issues when loading the CSV
"101 High Street, Sometown, Some county, PO5TC053"