English 中文(简体)
穿透: C++无管理的阵列
原标题:Improper marshaling: C# array to a C++ unmanaged array

I have the following C# code with a structure definition (CInput), obj definition and init, and a call to a C++ (native) DLL function (that has also been written by me).

//C# code

 public struct CInput

  public double Time;

  [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.SafeArray, SafeArraySubType = VarEnum.VT_R8)]
  public double[] Database;

  /* other similar fields*/


CInput Inputs = new CInput();

/* init of Inputs fields*/

int bfr = Example(ref Inputs); // Example  being the C++ DLL call


第二个参数瓦解有错误,我不知道什么地方。 然后:

//C++ code

struct CInput {

  double Time;                       
  double Database[3650];     

int Example(CInput& ObjIn) {

    return ObjIn.Database[0];        // just an example


if "Database" was marshaled as ByValArray everything is fine, the values show up correctly. Unfortunately I get an internal size exception because I have many arrays of that size, therefore I have to go for pointers - but anything with "SizeArray" will bring the following results (with the code just posted):


Database[0] = **0**

Database[1..etc] = values of the next parameters in the struct marshaled with ByValArray.

我认为,我应该提到,我需要从C#到C++的同样结构,我不想看任何问题。 So Array in a Struct >>> Array in a Struct.

<>ANY>/strong> 这方面的见解将具有巨大价值。 我一直在寻找时间,我还没有解决办法。




你认为你需要把点人用在你身上,我同意你的意见。 这里是怎样做的。


struct CInput {
  double *array;



public struct CInput
    public IntPtr array;
double[] theArray = new double[3650];
CInput input = new CInput();
input.array = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(double))*theArray.Length);
    Marshal.Copy(theArray, 0, input.array, theArray.Length);
    //call your C++ function here
public struct CInput  
    public double Time;    
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 3650)] 
    public double[] Database;

CInput Inputs = new CInput();  
int bfr = Example(ref Inputs);

Edit。 如果你需要动态分配数据库阵列,则应修改C++和C#代码。 在C++数据库中,应当被定义为双重数据,并且需要增加一些地方的阵容。 在C#数据库中,应宣布为IntPtr,并使用沼泽地分配。 AllocH 全球方法。 请根据您的要求纠正C++结构,然后根据这一规定确定C#代码。

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