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原标题:What are some good username / vanity url rules?



  • >4 characters (covers a bunch of useful tokens like "blog" and "jobs", but also a long list of "4-letter words")
  • start with alpha
  • alphanumerics only (maybe ._- too, but user.name would be the same as username)
  • disallow reserved words to prevent abuse and avoid confusion (ex: contact, about, username, vanityurl, [what are some others?])




I m going to begin posting what I ve found so far.


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 至少含有一种甲型[a-z]

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 专门性:_-

  • Special characters should not count toward distinct tokens (i.e. user.name = username)
  • Special characters should also not be used simultaneously (ex. user..name)
  • Special characters should not start or end a token (ex. -user-name-, .username-)
  • UPDATE: Facebook and Twitter disallow the dash as well. Consider excluding.
  • Gmail only allows dots.

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 通过防止类似研究特性l,1,o<0>

  • For example, if colbert is registered, prevent co1bert or c01bert from also being registered


Reserved Word List

about, aboutus, account, accounts, add, admin, administer, administrator, admins, ajax, anon, anonymous, apache, api, app, apps, archive, archives, article, articles, auth, authenticate, authentication, author, backup, better, blog, blogger, cache, careers, cart, changelog, checkout, client, clients, codereview, compare, config, configuration, connect, contact, contactus, contributor, cpanel, create, css, daemon, data, database, deal, deals, delete, director, direct_messages, docs, documentation, download, downloads, edit, editor, email, emailus, employment, enterprise, explore, facebook, faq, faqs, favorites, feed, feeds, fleet, fleets, follow, followers, following, font, fonts, forum, forums, friend, friends, friending, ftpuser, games, gist, group, groups, guest, help, home, host, hosting, hostmaster, http, httpd, idea, ideas, image, images, include, includes, index, indexes, info, invitation, invitations, invite, is, it, job, jobs, json, lib, library, list, lists, login, logout, logs, mail, map, maps, master, mine, mis, misc, miscellaneous, moderate, moderator, module, modules, mysql, news, nobody, node, nodes, oauth, oauth_clients, offers, office, openid, operate, operator, oracle, order, orders, organizations, owner, password, passwords, plans, poll, polls, popular, post, postgres, postmaster, president, privacy, profile, profiles, projects, public, put, pwnd, pwned, pwnage, question, questions, qwerty, rdf, recruit, recruiter, recruiters, recruitment, register, registrar, registration, remove, replies, root, rss, sales, save, save, script, scripts, search, security, server, service, sessions, settings, shell, shop, signup, signout, sitemap, spam, ssl, ssladmin, ssladministrator, sslwebmaster, stat, stats, statistics, status, stories, student, styleguide, subscribe, support, supporter, survey, surveys, sysadmin, template, templates, terms, test, tester, testing, tests, testuser, theme, themes, tour, tomcat, translations, trends, tutorial, tutorials, twitter, twittr, unfollow, unsubscribe, url, update, upload, uploads, user, users, video, videos, weather, webadmin, webmaster, widget, widgets, wiki, www, wwww, xfn, xmpp, yml, yaml

While talking about vanity URL s keep 2 things in mind. If you are providing a product oriented website then optimize the product name in the URL. Or if your website is like social networking then optimize the user name, community name or group name in the Deep links.


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