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Domains & Foreward Slash

This is rather difficult to explain so please bear with me.

We will be hosting 4 websites on our server and the plan is to have each site sit under its own domain:

  • site-a.com
  • site-b.com
  • sub1.site-b.com
  • sub2.site-b.com

Notice the two sub domains!

However, our client has asked if we can implement the following url structure instead of using subdomains:

  • sub1.site-b.com BECOMES site-b.com/sub1/
  • sub2.site-b.com BECOMES site-b.com/sub2/

Does this make sense so far??? So we are using forward slash as opposed to sub domains.

Can you advise on the best way to achieve this please?

Thanks for any help!



Use Apache to remap the domains. It s probably your webserver, so it s probably the answer.

The docs are here:


Match your subdomain and redirect to the appropriate folder, copying and carrying over the query string as appropriate.

JQuery probably won t help you.

This will depend on your hosting situation.

In IIS you can setup virtual directories for this type of behaviour.

You could also use JavaScript or server side redirects in sub1, sub2 etc folders.

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Domains & Foreward Slash

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