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原标题:adding service to addthis
  • 时间:2011-09-07 12:12:59
  •  标签:
  • addthis

I want to add my custom sharing service to an addthis widget. According to the AddThis documentation the service must meet the specification of the oexchange format. I ve created everything and hosted it on my server. When trying to test it from the oexchange harness test, it fails.

来自 o的两份档案

  1. .well-known/host-meta
  2. Target XRD File

我不知道这两个档案。 我用 o子生产,但我仍然无法用 o子检测。


增 编


当时,我找到了母号档案的解决方案,而且,我成功地通过 o交换试验加以测试,但是仍然无法测试。



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