I am using Addthis to share my videos to social networking websites like FaceBook,Orkut... But i am not clear about the parameters and the values that should be passed for those parameters fields.
var addthis_ui_config =
services_compact: facebook, myspace, igoogle, netvibes, windows, dashboard, more
var addthis_share_config =
url: "_________________",
title: "AddThis Tour",
description: "Watch the AddThis Tour video.",
swfurl: "_______________",
width: "560",
height: "340",
screenshot: "http://i2.ytimg.com/vi/1F7DKyFt5pY/default.jpg"
addthis.button("#addthisid", addthis_ui_config, addthis_share_config);
This is my Video URL that should be shared:
What should i be passing in url,swfurl fields
Can anyone pls provide any ideas or sample code to implement this