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原标题:coffeescript not implicitly returning "false"


String::getUrlParams = ->                        # line 1 
    false unless ( params = @.split( ? )[1] )    # line 2
    # ...

在 Chrome·科索尔,当我蓄意用无布卢拉的扼杀手段来形容这一方法时,我期望它只是回谎。


但它通过一条线。 2. 结 论

if I change line 2 to

   return false unless ( params = @.split( ? )[1] ) # line 2`

then it does return false and stops the function at line 2

Any idea why coffeescript isn t returning false and halts the function in the first version?

Thank you


Coffeescript returns only the last function statement. If something follows some statement, that you want to return in middle of function, then you should do that explicitly.

--Short thoughts-- In short - Coffeescript compiler is not that smart, to predict, where you may want or may not want to return something. And same applies to most compilers now days. Also it s non-smartiness avoids most of mistakes, which would be caused because of premature return.



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