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I m trying to re-write this in CoffeeScript. Coming unstuck
function getElementsByClassName(className)
 // get all elements in the document
 if (document.all)
  var allElements = document.all;
  var allElements = document.getElementsByTagName("*");

 var foundElements = [];
 for (var i = 0, ii = allElements.length; i < ii; i++)
  if (allElements[i].className == className)
   foundElements[foundElements.length] = allElements[i];

 return foundElements;

var listItems = document.getElementsByClassName("quirky");

for (var i = 0, ii = listItems.length; i < ii; i++)
getElementsByClassName = (className) ->

  # get all elements in the document
  if document.all
    allElements = document.all
    allElements = document.getElementsByTagName "*"

  el for el in allElements when el.className == className

# NOTE: getElementsByClassName was never assigned as a member
# of document. So this call will likely fail, unless you are
# using a latest-version browser.
listItems = document.getElementsByClassName "quirky"

for i in listItems
  alert i.nodeName


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I m trying to re-write this in CoffeeScript. Coming unstuck

function getElementsByClassName(className) { // get all elements in the document if (document.all) { var allElements = document.all; } else { var allElements = document.getElementsByTagName("...

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Custom compiler with maven

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what is wrong when I compile my .coffee files

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